Chapter 2: Family issues

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I wanted to give a shout out to mac_22 she has given me some really good ideas for this story so please follow her, Now on with the story

Cas' POV:

After the 'incident' in first class I didn't really talk to anyone, mostly just sat in the back corner of whichever classroom I was in only looking up to take notes from the board. It wasn't like me to make a scene in school, I liked to mostly keep to myself because most of the time I was just the weirdo punk who everyone is scared of, so when I live to this school I made a choice to keep to myself. But still if that jock would have asked me politely like, 'I normally sit here, next to my friends so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind switching seats.' I wouldn't have minded moving but he was too rude for his own good and I didn't like the way he spoke to me so I refused to give up my seat to a stuck up assbutt like him.

I didn't have any classes with him for the rest of the day, and I still didn't even know his name. I would have asked someone but I didn't really have anyone to ask so I settled for just calling him 'the jock.' Once school was over I was feeling a mix of emotions running through me.

I was super happy that school was finally over and I didn't have to deal with the insanely fake people at this school. I only spent one day here and already I can tell that half the students are fake and stuck up. Yet even though I was happy to leave school I wasn't that excited to get home. Today was the day that my dad got home, his job takes him around the country but he usually makes it home once a month for a couple days and those days are alway the worst out of them all. My older sister Hannah is college and no longer lives with us, and I haven't seen my older brother Lucifer in three years after he told my parents that he was bisexual and had a boyfriend named Micheal. This left me as the oldest in the house, having to look after my little brother Alfie whose 14 and the twins, Gabriel and Balthazar who are 10. I know that my mother loves us all deeply, even Lucifer, and she takes good care of us but when dad is home it's an entirely different story, you see our father isn't the friendliest person in the world. He has a short temper and if anyone crosses him, he doesn't show mercy.

I'm the biggest victim, my mother knows how not to get in his way and so do I but it's a different situation when it comes to Alfie, Gabriel and Balthazar. They try not to get in his way but they're still young so they don't always succeed in doing this and of course like the wonderful and amazing brother I am, I take the beatings for them. My mother had tried to stop him a lot of times but he usually just pushed her around, then I would tell him to stop and he would just hit me harder saying that 'I needed to learn some manners.'

I wasn't in any hurry to get home but I knew I had to get there as soon as possible, in case 'dad' or as I like to call him Jason, was already entertaining himself with one of my siblings. It only took me about 3 minutes to get home and as soon as I walked in my mother came over to me and told me that Jason was home and that he was staying for 5 days so I should be careful.

I walked upstairs to my room, did my homework and then just laid on my bed thinking about life. I was called down for dinner around an hour later and I quickly walked downstairs, not wanting to test Jason's patience.

We all sat around the table eating our dinner in silence. After dinner I went into the living room to watch some TV when the worst possible thing happened. Gabe and Balth had decided to play with some sort of paper airplane and while they were running around they knocked over Jason's beer. Crap, I thought to myself as I saw the anger build up in him before he got up and started roaring loudly at the boys. I shot up quickly and yelled at him just as he raised his hand at them.

"Leave them alone!!" I yell and he turns to look at me, furiously. I gulped and prepared myself for the blow. He raises his hand at me and just before I felt his hand contact with my face, I saw my mother taking the boys upstairs which made me feel a little better.

I then felt his hand hit my cheek, hard, making me fall to the floor. He then grabbed me by my shirt and pulling me up and hitting me in the nose multiple times. My nose started bleeding but he didn't seem to care. He just kept hitting me in the face, I was sure I was gonna have a black eye and maybe even a broken nose. I fell to the floor again and he started kicking my stomach and chest multiple times as well, I could hear my mother screaming for him to stop but he just kept ignoring her pleas. By the time he was finished I felt like I was going to throw up and I could barely move.

He knelt down beside me and whispered in my ear, "Maybe that'll teach you to respect your elders." He then stormed out and my mother came running over to me. She helped me sit up in the sofa, "I'm gonna throw up." I say and my mum rushes into the kitchen and comes back a moment later with a bowl and I start throwing up my insides.

The boys then came down the stairs slowly. "Is he gone?" I hear Alfie ask and mum answers. "Yeah honey. He's gone, go back bed okay?" She says and I then hear them slowly go back up the stairs.

I throw up a couple more times before my mum helps me up the stairs and tucks me into bed. It took me about 3 hours to actually get to sleep because I was in so much pain and no matter which way I turned I couldn't get comfortable.


When I woke up my mother came in to check on me carrying some ice and a bag of make up. She handed me the ice and I placed it on my stomach. I grimaced slightly at the coldness but soon got used to it and it actually felt good and kinda made it hurt a little less. She then took out the make up and started applying some to my eyes. "I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you again. I try so hard to stop him but he's just...he's too strong and I'm am just so sorry that you have to take all of this. It's not fair." My mum explains, tears streaming down her face and she tries her best to cover up my black eye. This was a usual routine for us when Jason was home, she would come in with ice and make up, she would cover over my visible bruises and tell me how sorry she was. "It's fine mum. Plus I'd much rather he hit me than you or one of the boys." I tell her with a smile and she looks at me sadly. "You are a little angel, you know that?" She say finishing up with my face and I smirk at her comment. "We don't have time to do the rest so you'll have to wear a long sleeved shirt or something. She tells me and I nod before she leaves the room allowing me to get changed.

I put on a plain black top and some jeans, trying to show as little skin as possible. It took me an extra 30 minutes to get ready and since my mum wouldn't let me leave the house without breakfast, I ended up being late for school. She drove me to school and helped me to the front door, "Now when the teacher asks if why you're late you just tell her..." "That I slept in, I know. I've done this a million times." I finish. I smile and giver her a hug before walking into school agonisingly slow. When I finally reached my class, I walked in and told the teacher my excuse and then sat down in the only seat available.

During the class I could feel the kid next to me staring at me, but I chose to ignore it, mainly because it would hurt too much to turn around and ask what their problem was.

"Hey." I hear the stalker kid say and I know I have to turn around now, but when I do I don't see what I expected.

I'm met with sandy blonde hair, minor amount of freckles and the most vibrant forest green eyes ever. They are extremely bright green and once I see those I know exactly who my stalker is,

The jock.

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