Needle, Fog, and Mountain

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Once there were three cats. Their names were Needle, Fog, and Mountain. They traveled around the land they knew, searching for nothing at all. The three loved each other like siblings, and couldn't bare to part with each other.

Needle was the smart one. He was a lovely bright yellow, and a single ear was stained with white. His amber eyes could pierce the daylight.He knew almost anything about plants, about the wind and about the water. He knew when food would spoil and the mating calls of animals. He knew what another animal's den looked like, and what they looked like.

Fog was the ferocious one. She was a clean, dark brown with black stripes. Her green eyes could sweep throug dusk. She could take down foxes with one bite, and birds with a swat. She knew animal's pressure points, and where she could cause the most damage with the least effort. She had the claws of a condor and the fangs of a rat. She knew how to strike any animal, and how to back away from a fight if needed.

Mountain was the cunning one. She was a deep, stone grey with snow white ears. Her blue eyes could cut the night sky. She knew how to use the shadows to her advantage, and how to move around without being seen. She could come up with clever plans in the midst of battle, and was an expert of getting out of a situation. She knew how to get away from a fight unhurt, and how to persuade the most stubborn cat to back off.

Together the three cats were a family. They traveled everywhere, living their lives. One night, the cats were especially tired. As they traveled through a no-claw city, they began to become more and more tired. Finally, they found a wooden box where they decided to sleep for the night. Needle's brains did not kick in, nor Fog's animal instincts or Mountain's suspicion. They curled up together in a heap, and fell asleep.

In the daylight, the cats were woken with a jolt. The wooden crate was dark, and they moved every direction. Needle pointed out the lid, now firmly sealed onto the box. As the cats were jumbled around, they mewled loudly, hoping a no-claw might hear, but to no avail. Finally Fog managed to open the crate with her claws, removing the lid. The cats peered out, and found themselves on one of the water-leaves no-claws use to get across the water.They jumped out, Mountain rushing to the edge of the boat, and onto a dry sandy beach beside them. She wasn't much of a water cat.

All the cats dismounted the water-leaf, and sat to discuss what they would do. A beach stretched all along the coast, with occasional large cliffs and peaks. Further in the land was covered in birch, oak, and olive trees. There were grassy areas and sandy hollows. It was a completely different place then last night. "So what?" Mountain meowed. "We travel everywhere, why can't we explore here for a while?". Needle argued that they should try to go back, that they had no idea where they were. Fog remained silent, staring at the sea. Finally, she spoke up, "The water-leaf left". Needle and Mountain rushed to the edge of the beach, indeed seeing that it had gone. The three cats decided to walk along the beach, trying to decide what to do.

By the time the sun had climbed high into the sky, the three cats had figured out they were on an island. The cats kept walking, trying to figure out what to do. Finally they came across a beautiful stretch of beach. To the left was a giant cliff, the beach very low below it. It had a steep drop from the side, and ridges to climb on. To the left, about 50 fox-tails inland was a large clearing. The ground was covered in sand and grass, and there were small caves inside it. Much farther inland, was a beautiful pond. Beside it was a shady sand covered clearing, and there was even an old no-claw bridge spanning the river.

The three cats sat by the beach, talking. "Maybe we should settle down. Live somewhere forever", Fog thought. Mountain and Needle nodded, they too getting tired of not having a home. The grey she-cat purred happily, "Lets live on that cliff! I love the heights and the wind in my fur". Needle stepped up, "Why would you want to live where a condor could snatch you up? We should live in that grassy clearing! You can smell the salty sea and hear the rushing waves!" He meowed, getting excited. Fog just snorted, amused. "Why choose to live either of those places when you could live by the river, under the shade?" she meowed, using a superior tone.

As the cats argued, they didn't notice three cats approach. "You are you?" a pure white one asked, startling the three cats. They looked over. Sitting on the beach was a pure white tom-cat with green eyes, a pitch black she-cat with green eyes, and a blue-grey tom-cat with blue eyes. Needle eyed the cats, and answered. "We are Needle, Fog, and Mountain. we came here to settle down." he meowed.

The white cat spoke up. "I'm Blossom. This is Snake and Fly". Mountain began to snicker. "Your name is Blossom? Isn't that a bit soft for a tom-cat?" she meowed, earning herself a glare from him and a swat on the head from Fog. Snake was jumping up and down in excitement. "Maybe you three can help us! We want to settle down too, but the places we want have animals living there." He meowed, clearly happy to have some other cats to help.

Needle looked at the three cats, and nodded. "Where did you want to settle down?" he asked. Fly spoke up, smiling, "Well I wanted to live in the clearing over there! The cave looks so comfy!" she said, nodding towards the sandy clearing. "But I want to live by the river!" Snake meowed, annoyed at his friend. "Both of you are wrong" Blossom said, "The perfect place to live is on the cliff."

The other three cats began to argue. Mountain eventually yowled "SHUT UP. We want to live in different places too. why don't we split up and try to drive out the creatures?" she suggested. All the cats nodded, and headed towards their chosen home.

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