They met

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Mae is getting ready for school choosing on what she should wear.
Mae:"Hmm.. now what should I wear this jacket or t-shirt, oh.. right I forgot that we actually wear uniforms, haha... Silly me."
Mae put's on her uniform say good bye to her mom. Takes the school bus, she arrives at school.
Mae:"I hope I didn't forgot what I learned last year,ok then let's go >:)"
Mae arrives at her classroom she sits at the vacant sits that is for two people she is sitting at the front with her friend (maybe).
Mae says "hi"
Stella says "hi" *in a happy tone*
Mae:"So,umm... Is there any other of our classmates joining this class" *she asked*
Stella:"yep there is 2, actually the number two is me and Lea"
Mae:"oh ok then" *Mae taking in her mind*"phew, thank God that there is some of my classmates in here". The teacher comes in the classroom and said "hello my students today we are gonna start our class" *the teacher starts to talk the lesson, the lesson is about math*
Mae:"I really hated math"
Teacher:"ok,class just copy this things that I write in the board and you guys may have recess"
The students said"okay ma'am"
*Mae is finished with writing same with Stella*
Mae starts taking out her lunchbox (and they eat at their classroom because there is no cafeteria yet in their school)
Mae:"So, Stella what did you get for Recess?"
Stella:"Oh... It's just some apple juice and a sandwich you?"
Mae:"same as you"
They started to eat their food.
Teacher:"Ok class I've gotta go and switch you guys sits"
Mae:"Why ma'am?"
Teacher:"Because you are not aligned by your height and there are some small height in the back"
Mae:"oh... Ok"
Teacher:"Ok then, Mae stand up everybody with the tall height stand up"
*Everybody with the tall height stands up*
*Mae talking in her mind* "I hope where I get seated is by my classmate in the last school year"
Teacher:"Ok, Mae you must sit at the back"
*Mae sits at the back with someone who she didn't know, It was a boy that looks like an egg because his bald :D*
Mae said: "Hi"
*But the boy didn't said anything he just kept silent*
Mae:"umm.... Ok"
Teacher:"alright now you guys are aligned I'm gonna start the lesson with English"
Mae:"Ok now this is easy because It's my favorite subject, so what your favorite subject?"
???:"Me,umm.... I don't know yet"
Mae:"Ok, so what's your name"
*Mae ask*
Eli:"Oh, my name is Eli and you" *he answered in a silent tone*
Mae:"My name is Mae and it's nice meeting you" *Mae answered in a happy tone*
Teacher:"I see you talking Mae get over here and answer this question"
Mae:"ok Teacher"
*Mae starts to write the answer on the black board*
Teacher:"It's correct, now go back to your seat Mae"
*Mae goes back to her seat*

Eli's PoV
*Eli talking in his mind*
Eli:"I can't believe that she answered that question and why am I feeling nah.. maybe it's just that chili that I ate earlier"

         ><><Time skip><><

Teacher:"Ok class, that's the end of our lesson now you are free to go"
Mae:"yes, finally >u<"

Mae's mom:"Hey, sweety :D"
Mae's mom:"Did you talk with that boy over there"
Mae:"Oh, Eli?
Mae's mom:"You shouldn't go talk with him"
Mae's mom:"Because he needs some privacy."
Mae said:"oh ok then"

*Eli look at Mae talking to her mom* curious on what are they talking about but he is sure it's about his shyness and Mae shouldn't go talk to him because of his studies yup he now's*

Mae:"Mom should we go home".
Mae's Mom:"Ok now my sweety"

(To be continued)

Short story ..

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