19. ruining our moment❤️‍🩹

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Power P.O.V

*Just wanted to point out that Power doesn't just call Kaliyah by her name😭if he says any of these names then he is referring to her: Kaliyah, Bella, or Moore. This is so you guys won't get confused if you see one of those^ names.*


She's fucking with my head.

I can't fucking think straight. Maybe it was a bad idea to make them stay with us.

Every chance I get, I'm checking in on them and making sure they're okay and that they've eaten. Specifically Bella.

After we told them about staying with us, they started training. While they are here they will train and keep training up to the day that they're free to go. So far they have been training for a week and they're already in advanced training.

We will use them when we need to. I've learned that Jasmine is a tech brainiac so she will be working alongside Xavier while Moore works with us in the field. Moore is a tech brainiac too but we could use someone with her fighting skills. I have no clue where she learned to fight like that but she fights gracefully. If she's not doing that she will be helping us plan from before we get to any mission, to while we're where we need to be, to after when it's time to call a clean up crew.

Right now I am in the meeting room with the guys as we go over the next step. Bella is training with Aiden while Jasmine trains with Xavier. Me and my close men are covering Alex's lasts whereabouts while also planning what to do about Andrei Kozlov III.

Alex completely disappeared. His last trace was back to his house. When we got there, the door was kicked open and his room looked to have some clothes missing. He popped up on the radar once when he used his card at an ATM two towns over. By the time we got there his card was left at the ATM stand and the clerk said he had no clue where he was going, he just saw him withdraw all his money off his card. Smart.  

It's bad enough that we already have to find Alex, but Andrei Kozlov III just added on to the stress and pressure.

Believe it or not but me and Andrei used to be best friends. It was always me, Andrei, and Justin. My father and Andrei's father used to be best friends, and their fathers before them. It's a long chain of best friends between our families. Justin's father worked for my father.

We would all train together. I was always better than Andrei when we were younger. I still am. I'm stronger than him, smarter, faster, and more Powerful. The hold I had on some of my dad's men and Andrei II, men, boosted my power. I never cared about it egotistically, but it meant a lot to have men who respected you like no other, even if they weren't your own men.

When we hit age 18, our fathers suggested that we combine our mafias, more power and money.We agreed and when our fathers stepped down, we both stepped up. Me and Andrei started working together like business partners.

Everything was perfect for the first three months. Up until Andrei became a backstabbing bitch.

Andrei informed me of a mission that we were going to do. He said that we were just going to scope the place out so we didn't need our men. I listened to him because he was my partner and trust is necessary when your mafias are combined.

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