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Y/N was in the church in what seemed like a library going through the book on the shelves before climbing an old ladder to get a book on the top shelf.

Y/n grabs the book before the ladder snapped sending you to the ground, you get up like it's nothing before Taki came in.

Y/n: oh hey sorry but I broke the ladder.

Taki just stare at you before you pick up the book.


You where sitting in a corner reading the book before you noticed Taki starring at you from a bit of a distance before you walked up to her.

Y/n: do you need something?

You make out Taki starring at your bag.

Y/n: oh do you want candy?

You noticed Taki stare got a bit more intense.

Y/n: I think I still got some on me.

You check before giving the candy you had left to Taki who immediately started eating it.

Y/n: you really like candy don't you, I guess next time I come over I should bring like five boxes of candy.

On saying those words Taki looked directly at you.

Y/n: you really like candy uh?

Taki gets up and walked away to the other direction leaving you to your book.


Alarm clock goes off you hut it before morning to yourself.

Y/n: I feel like crap.

You manage to get yourself out of bed to use the bathroom before almost falling back on your bed.

Y/n: ugh, the one thing I hate about being able to regenarate is I still fall sick.

You make your way out of the room before trying to head downstairs before falling down the stairs.

On reaching the floor your front door for F/N to walk in.

F/N: you good?

Y/n: I think.

F/N: good now make me some lunch.


F/N: you doing okay?

Y/n: I guess I'm a little sick.

F/N: I know that's why I'm here, but I meant with Taki.

Y/N: uh....?

F/N: is she still mad at you?

Y/n: what are you talking about?

F/n: you don't remember, you said last time you saw her you hugged her she stared acting odd before cutting into you with her chainsaw.

Y/n: I what!?

F/N: ya.

Y/n: why would I do that, I don't even like hugs!

F/N: it's a normal thing you do when you want to get sick, you just did it around the wrong person.

Y/n: what is wrong with me?

F/N: relax man, but do you really not remember.

Y/n: the last thing I remember was promising her candy.

F/N: you seem to have a really high fever, good thing I told the guy to pick up some medicine on there was.

Y/n: ugh!

F/N: hey listen.

Y/n: yeah.

F/N: can I get seconds.


F/N: so how are you feeling now?

Y/n: I guess I'm okay.

There was a knock on the door.

Y/n: I should get that.

He walked up to the door before opening it revealing a girl probably in her early twenty's.

: Y/n sup.

Y/n: Sam, what're you doing here?

Sam: I told you I'd check up on you and you sounded sick on the phone.

Y/n: how did you know my address?

Sam: You told me on the phone this morning remember.

You shack your head.

Sam: What'd you do yesterday.

Y/n: I don't remember.

Sam: What'd you eat this morning?

Y/n: I didn't I wasn't feeling hungry, can you stop asking questions it's making my head hurt.

Sam: I see hold still.

She checked your temperature.

Sam: You're really burning up, hold on.

She pulls out her phone.

Sam: temperature extremely high, hasn't eaten all day, seems to not remember much, constant headache, okay send.

Y/n: who did you send that to?

You look at your phone on the table that was getting massaged.

Sam: so who're you nerds.

F/N: hey loser.

Sam: Sup F/N.

F/N: just came to check on Y/N, I was with friends so we decided to stick around.

Sam:I guess I'll be on my way.

Y/n: can you not tell my family my address.

Sam: It depends.

You walk away before returning with a paper bag, she looked inside.

Sam: This will do, see you around I might come over for lunch form time to time.

She leaves before starting to text again.

Sam: Needs a better house.

(FNF)  Taki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now