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You walked into the church before calling out to Taki who some how kept getting behind you hugging.

Y/n: is this going to be a regular thing now.

Taki hugged you a little bit longer before putting you down.

Y/n: it's nice to see you too, so how've you been?

Taki: ...

Y/n: I'm going to take that as good, uh so do you want candy.


You where standing across Taki was sitting on the ground with five different piles of candy in front of her.

Y/n: test 3, okay try this one.

You say pointing at the first pile before Taki pick up the pile and eat it.

Y/n: at least you didn't eat everything at once this time.

You get a text from F/N.

Where are you?

With Taki.

What are you doing?

Just trying something.

Is it what I'm thinking 😏

I don't know what you're thinking but I dough it.



When are you going to ask her?



😑,Fine I'll do it soon.

You better, talk to you later loser.

You put your phone away.

Y/n: why doesn't she put herself in my shoes.

You turned back to Taki to see she had eaten the other piles.

Y/n: that was expected, can you at least tell me the one you liked the most.

Taki just let continued to eat the candy.

Y/n: I'll take that as all of them.


You had three pieces of cake in front of Taki.

Y/n: okay go.

Taki grabbed the one to the right.

Y/n: you got it, your instinct for candy is out of this world.

F/N: thought I'd find you here.

Y/n: hey.

F/N: what're you losers doing any way?

Y/n: just trying something with Taki.

F/N: is that so, what're you doing?

Y/n: I'm going to leave three pieces of cake but two of it isn't really cake it's healthy stuff that looks like cake, she'll find it by just looking at it.

F/N: so you're using her like a lab rat.

Y/n: no it's not like that-

F/N: relax I'm just messing with you, so how's the test going?

Y/n: well she knows what she wants, she didn't agree to eat any of the normal food I brought, so I tried to see if she'll eat it unknowingly but.

F/N: so she's like a bloodhound for candy.

Y/n: kinda, she really likes candy.

F/N: so any luck?

Y/n: I haven't-

F/N: Taki.

Taki looked at F/N with her ever lasting smile.

Y/n: what're you doing?

F/N: Taki, y/n really likes you so would you consider being his girlfriend.

Y/n: what did you just do!?

F/N: what you couldn't do.

Y/n: Taki it's not-

You noticed Taki was acting up still smiling but not like before.

F/N: I'll leave you two to it.

Y/n: don't leave me.

F/N: tell me if she said yes.


You walked into your house with a change of clothes before being meet by Daddy Dearest.

Daddy Dearest: y/n I've been waiting for you.

Y/n: sorry I didn't know you were here.

Daddy Dearest: take a sit let's talk.

You took a sit.

(FNF)  Taki X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now