Amanda Cadillac & Joey Parkinson

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16 yr old Amanda and her 17 yr old boy friend Joey wanted to finished the school year with a big bang. So they had a party at Joey's Family's vacation home. (in the country) The hole school was gonna be there. But they wanted it to be an awesome party so the had Amanda's older sister to get them some alcohol.As soon as the party was getting started Joey got Amanda a to go upstairs with him. Let's just say things got a little no a lot crazy wall they were upstairs.Joey's parents showed up drunk and started to party with the under age drinkers. When a neighbor called the cops and they showed up and arrested Joey's parents. All wall Joey and Amanda were upstairs "talking". After all that chaos the cops were looking around and found Joey and Amanda naked asleep on the bed intertwined like pretzels.

Lucky for bothering of them they used protection but not so lucky for them Amanda was pregnant. And as soon as Amanda's parents found out they kicked her out and the sweat A student was living in a tiny apartment with Joey. This proves to be a lot of stress for the couple. Joey had to work to Part time jobs so they could get stuff for their child.( they ended up by a 3 piece bedroom set) A few mins Anthea later they went to the doctor, got married, got Amanda's family to be a part of their lives and they did all of that in the span of a month. Amanda 8 months pregnant when into Labour. And all of her family close by come to welcome the new baby girl coco into the world. When they got to their apartment Amanda's sister and Joey's ex-girlfriend picked them up to a welcome home party at Amanda's parents house. By the end of the night Amanda and Joey had gotten over 1 million dollars from Amanda's family.

Now Amanda is working door her masters degree
Joey is working at a hardware store
Coco is in a learning daycare Thanks for reading Amanda and Joey's story PLZ comment

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