Chapter One: Collide

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Dawko slumps against the wall, clutching his head in disbelief.

'Please tell me that didn't just happen,' Dawko thinks in a panic.

As Dawko reflects on everything, a flashback begins.

During the flashback, Dawko is filming a new video for his fans as he prepares to play a new game.

"What's up, guys?" Dawko asks while donning a virtual reality headset and facing the camera.

"Dawko is back, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!" Dawko says to the camera, smiling.

"I'll be playing Help Wanted today!" Dawko says to his audience as he announces this.

"Scott sent me the game ahead of schedule, and I can't wait to play it!" Dawko yells as he gets ready to play the game.

So Dawko starts the game, and he marvels at the stunning graphics.

"Wow, the graphics in this game are incredible!" Dawko says as he examines the game's graphics.

"I'd like to thank Scott and the team for their efforts on this game," Dawko comments on the game's graphics.

On the other hand, Glitchtrap is watching Dawko from the shadows.

'It's all coming together now,' Glitchtrap thinks, placing tapes in the game for Dawko to find.

'The only thing I have to do now is wait,' Glitchtrap thinks to himself, chuckling.

Glatchtrap goes back to watching Dawko from the shadows.

Meanwhile, back with Dawko, he picks up a tape on the ground.

"I think I have just discovered a tape, and I am willing to bet it's important," Dawko says after picking the tape up.

"I guess I ought to find where I'm supposed to play it," Dawko says, looking around the game hub.

In the hub, Dawko comes across a tape recorder and touches it.

Dawko teleports to the secret room in the game after touching it.

"It looks like I've discovered a secret, everyone!" Dawko exclaims as he glances around the room.

Dawko finds a tape recorder and a shelf on a table.

"The shelf appears to have sixteen empty slots," Dawko says, counting the number of tapes he still needs to locate.

"I believe I just found one of them, so let's all see what this tape tells us!" Dawko says as he inserts the tape into the recorder.

Dawko listens to the tape, which reveals valuable information to him.

"I think I just discovered some lore! This is wonderful!" Dawko exclaims after listening to the tape.

"I think I should keep an eye out for the rest of these tapes," Dawko says as he returns to the main hub.

Dawko realizes that Glitchtrap is watching him from the hub's hallway.

"No need to worry, everyone," Dawko says, trying to calm his nerves.

"I'm sure it's just part of the game," Dawko says, turning his attention to the selection screen.

Dawko glances at the selection screen briefly before saying, "We'll just disregard it and get back to business, folks."

Glitchtrap giggles to himself again as he watches Dawko.

While observing Dawko, Glitchtrap thinks, 'Soon, I will be freed from this place.'

Dawko, on the other hand, ignores Glicthtrap as he makes his decision on the screen.

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