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*Back to the wedding hall*

3rd person POV:

"Nobody move! Or else I'll shoot. Hands up!! Stop the marriage right now. You're under arrest", the police woman said. Then she brought something to show everyone. And it was- Handcuffs!

"Who? Me?", Sanjidah shouted suddenly. Mumu hit her with elbow to stop her but too late .

"Why? Are you that easily admitting that you comitted a crime? Wow..", the police woman said with a long smirk .

"No no I'm innocent. I didn't do anything", sanjidah mumbled.

" Then why did you think I came to arrest you? It's sure that the theif is scared of police..", the police woman said with a bigger smirk than before.

" No it's not like that. You told to stop the marriage. So I thought. Because I'm the only one who's marrying here", Sanjidah said.

" You're the only one? You're marriyng yourself or what? Don't you have a groom?", The police woman said raising an eyebrow.

" Ooh you're arresting him . Ok ok", sanjidah said now a bit relived.

Mumu smacked her own forehead. Siddharth gave her a death glare. Others were too shocked.

" Wow now you you have any problem if I arrest the person you're going to marry", she said and laughed.

Sanjidah understood what she said and stood there dumbfounded. Nobody talked for a bit then Sharad broke the silence saying, " I don't think there's something good in wasting time. Please explain why you're here. And if you have arrest warrant arrest the person and end this soon".

" Oh so you're really eager to get arrested. Ok I also think I don't need to waste my time. And for your kind information all of you are criminal. I've arrest warrant so I'll arrest all of you?", The police woman said.

" What do you mean by all?" Zain said.

" All means the bride , groom and all of you their friends. Arrest then!" She said and ordered the constable.

First they took the bride then groom them the boys and then the girls. Lastly they came to arrest Moon.

"Wait. Why me? I didn't do anything and I'm not even their friend", she yelled.

"Every one say they are innocent. I don't care if you're their friend or not. The only thing matters is you're present here and you went to the same Dehradun High school and college with ". The police woman said and they took all of them on the way of the outside.

Sanjidah 's mom came running and started crying. " No no you can't do this. My daughter is innocent. You can't her -" she said but sanjidah cut off her by saying, " Mom. Please. It's okay". But her mom again started yelling at the police, " No! It's not okay! I'm not letting you get arrested from your own wedding".

" You should think before. You didn't care with whom your daughter is friends with and with whom she's going to marry. Now don't disturb my work", the police woman yelled .

" It's okay Mrs. Sengar. My son is also getting arrested from his own wedding", said Mrs. Chopra.

" That's because your son is not like Sanjidah", Sharad shot from his mouth suddenly.

" What do you mean that?", Asked Mr. Chopra.

" I mean-" Sharad got cut of my Jhinuk kicking his foot. "..u ah nothing", he said.

" Enough of drama. Let us do our work", the police woman said and took them all outside through the aisle.

They all get on police vans. After every one get on the police locked the van . The siren 🚨 turned on and the drivers started driving.

By that time Nipa got down from the van and stood there dumbfounded.

Mumu could take a glance of Nipa and her face lit up. But she noticed that Nipa is about to scream. So she put her finger on her lips to shh Nipa. Then she quickly showed her handcuffs to Nipa and mouthed a "Help".

After the vans left Nipa heard what happened from Mrs. Sengar. Than she took the rickshaw again and left for the police station.

Guys.. I know it was long since I update. As I told my exams are going on. Finally I got a break today. Yeah it was a short chapter but I'ma update the next chapter after tomorrow... thanks for cling to the story.

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