First Kiss - Fluff

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"y/n you haven't had your first kiss?!" matt asks surprised

you blush a little "yeah, i've never been in a relationship or anything"

eli wraps his arm around you and makes kissy lips "ill be your first kiss"

you push him away "i want my first kiss to be romantic. like in a movie"

"yeah me too" klitz says

you all turn to look at him. you are taken aback a little

you smile a little "you haven't had your first kiss either?"

"no" klitz says sipping his milk

matt gets up to throw his lunch away "you two can kiss eachother"

klitz looks at you and then matt "dude!" his voice breaks

you laugh at his failure to be subtle. you have had a crush on him since you met him in sophomore year. you haven't made a move yet because you didn't know if he likes you back or not, but recently you seem to notice little hints to his growing attraction to you. he always sits next to you at lunch, he texts you every night, he gives you answers to homework when you ask, he drives you home from school etc etc. you decide you are going to make a move today after school. you start planning in your head what you will do. after school in his car after he got to your house, that way if it goes bad you can just go home.

you can't stop thinking about your plan. you must have been obvious because klitz asked you if you were alright in art class

"yeah i'm just thinking" you said with a sigh

he looks at you skeptically "about what?"

"english, im failing again" you say with a fake frown

"how do you even fail english you literally only have to read?" he says jokingly  "i'll help you if you need it though"

you smile at him "nah it's all good. i need you to drive me home today" 

"i drive you home everyday, y/n" he laughs

you roll your eyes "yeah i know i was just making sure"


you start walking to klitz's car, anxiety building. klitz is also driving eli home, you get in the front seat with a short battle with eli.

"klitzy, can you come over after school to help me with english" you ask in a sweet tone

"yeah i can" klitz says looking at the road

eli pulls himself to be in between the two front seats "can i come over? your mom is HOT"

"eli please never go near my mother" you say pushing him back into his seat

"i neeeed to see cathy" eli yells in a desperate voice

you roll your eyes at eli in the mirror "you can come over, eli. but please do not say anything gross to my mom"

eli sits back in his seat triumphantly, and klitz turns down your street. when you get in front of your house klitz begins to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"eli, you go ahead i need to talk to klitz for a second" you ask turning around slightly

"you guys gonna make out in here?" eli makes kissing noises

you roll your eyes and blush a little "my mom is probably in there, eli"

eli jumps out of the car and runs to your front door. klitz looks at you for a second and begins picking at his nail.

"klitz" you look down at your feet and back at the brown haired boy "i don't know how to do this properly" you laugh slightly

he looks at you slight confused "y/n what did you want to talk about?"

you gesture for him to get closer and he does. you look into his green eyes "i kinda have a crush on you"

he looks at you with his mouth open slightly "shit, really?"

"yeah since like sophomore year"

"i have a crush on you too"


you both smile and blush,  look at eachother for what seems like hours. your eyes switch between his lips and his eyes, you bite your lip slightly.

"can i kiss you, y/n?"


his lips meet yours, pressing softly into eachother. his hand moves to your cheek, his thumb slowly rubbing under your eye. his glasses press into the bridge of your nose, his mouth tastes like cherry lifesavers. you pull away from him, looking over his face again.

you look down at the floor again "klitzy, do you maybe wanna be my boyfriend or something?"

he smiles "yeah i would"

"we should probably go inside now. my mom probably has eli vacuuming or something"

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