party hard - fluff

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"come on, y/n! are you already drunk?" you friend Casey asked after noticing your loss of balance.

you were drunk, not just drunk, you were plastered. your face scrunched up into a scowl as she berated you about being obliterated half an hour into the party

"i didn't even want to come tonight! you forced me and now that i'm participating in these teen activities you are pissed at me? fuck you!" you said slurring almost every other word and ending the sentence with a middle finger.

"fuck you, y/n! you need to sober up or something" you friend said storming off

"yeah walk away, bitch!" you yelled at her

you stumbled to a couch in the living room and slammed down onto in. you didn't even notice someone was also sitting on the couch, you look over to the boy sitting next to you. he is a boy you know somewhat, he's in your 5th period study or something like that.

you grabbed his shoulder and leaned into him "hey! you're Tim, right?" you said with a slurred undertone

he tensed up instantly under your touch and turned to face you slightly "uh, yeah. y/n, right?"

"how'd you know?" you asked leaning into him more

"we've been in school together since kindergarten" he laughs slightly

"oh yeah" you laugh loudly

you took a sip of your drink and spilled some on your dress, you gasp as it drips down your front.

"oh, no" you said as it soaks into your pink mini dress. "i just got this. it's gonna stain and i'll never be able to wear it again"

Tim tried to comfort you in your rising upset "you'll be able to get it out, you'll just need to rink it out soon." but the brown haired boys words did not sooth you and soon you were crying.

you sobbed into your hands, Tim began panicking slightly as you cried hard. "hey hey, it's ok it's just a dress. there's no need to cry, you'll be able to clean it"

"no it's ruined! just like everything in my life!" you sobbed.

you removed your face from your hands and buried your face in Tim's chest. he froze again, not knowing what to do in the situation. he began lightly patting your back as you sobbed into his coat. you pulled off of his chest at looked at him you leaned in and connecting your lips to his.

he pulled away at the sudden contact "i'm sorry, it's just that you're drunk and were just crying a second ago. it just doesn't feel morally correct to kiss you."

"oh i'm sorry, Tim" you said in between sobs.

you buried your face into your hands again, sobbing just as hard as before. Tim started rubbing your back again "hey, it's ok. there's no need to cry, do you need water or something?"

you looked up at him and nodded weakly. he got up and jogged lightly to the kitchen. you continued to cry lightly until he came back. he handed you a red solo cup full of water, you sipped it in between sniffles.

you looked over to the sweet boy in front of you, the concern in his eyes had still not faded. you looked down at his beige jacket that you had stained lightly with black mascara that had whipped of while sobbing.

you looked at him again "is there makeup all over my face?" you asked wiping under your eyes

he looked at your face and giggled a little "yeah, kinda"

you shot up instantly, stumbling over your heels as you sprinted to the stairs. he got up and chased after you not wanting you to be alone in your vulnerable state. you both got up to the bathroom at the same time. you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom with you. you started rummaging around the bathroom searching for a washcloth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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