May I have this dance my Prince

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Nick's POV:

I looked out of the car window and saw everyone going into the school I turned to Charlie and said 'Are you ready for this Charlie' Charlie nodded and said 'I'm ready for anything so long as it's with you', I got out of the car first and walked round and opened Charlie's door for him he got out of the car and hand in hand we walked through the gates towards the crowds of students. Tao and Elle walked over and Elle said 'Omg you two look so cute together' Tao nodded and said 'Yeah she's right you both look really happy, you could win the title of Prom Kings', Charlie and I smiled at each-other both thinking how amazing that would be. 

Eventually it was mine and Charlie's turn to have photo taken on the red carpet we got to have two photo's taken so for the first one we did a nice smart one and then for the second I pulled Charlie towards me and kissed him on the lips for the whole school to see. After having our photo's taken we walked through to the hall the party was already in full swing people were dancing, drinking and taking photo's to remember this night, I took Charlie's left hand and we walked over to the refreshments table and got a glass of the fruit punch before walking over and joining Tao and the others. 

Charlie's POV:

As me and Nick stood in the corner with Tao and Elle I was working up the courage to ask him to dance with me but then the headteacher got up on the stage and made to make an announcement, I turned around to listen as he said 'It's wonderful to see you all having such a happy time, and it's finally time to announce this years royals . So without further ado it gives me great pleasure to announce that Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring are this years Prom Kings, boys would you like to come up here and take your seats on the thrones'. 

I honestly couldn't believe that we'd been voted this years Prom Kings, I felt Nick take my hand and together we walked up onto the stage we sat down on our thrones as we were presented our crowns after which we had our photographs taken. 

We sat on the stage watching everyone dance and then Nick stood up and extended his right hand as he said 'May I have this dance my Prince', I smiled and said 'I would be honoured', Nick lead me through the crowds out onto the playground which had been decorated with strings of coloured lights. I looked around and said 'Why have we come out here' Nick gently pulled me closer and said 'Because I thought It would be nice for us to have our first dance out here where it's peaceful, we can go back inside if you'd prefer', I placed my hands on Nick's waist and said 'No this is perfect, your perfect'. 

As Nick and I danced we had no idea that we were being watched from the main road. 

Ben's POV:

I watched from the main road as Charlie and Nick slow danced round the school playground it seems as if I didn't do enough damage last time I attacked him so this time I would make him regret his decision to break up with me, I pulled my hood over my head and quickly walked off as I saw Charlie's friends coming out of the main entrance. 

Charlie's POV:

Tonight had been one of the best nights of my life, every day that passed I was falling more and more in love with Nick and I knew we'd spend the rest of our lives together. As the night went on the party had started to die down so me and Nick made our way back to his as my mum and dad had said I could spend the night at his, once we got home we made our way upstairs and changed out of our suits luckily I kept a pair of pjs at Nicks so I put those on followed by his blue hoodie.

I came out of his bathroom and he smiled and said 'Isn't that my hoodie Char' I blushed at the sound of his nickname for me and said 'Char where did that come from', Nick looked down at the floor and said 'Sorry I just thought it was a good nickname for you, if you don't like it then I won't call you it again'. I walked up to Nick and said 'Nick I like it, it's cute. Just like you'. 

Myself and Nick climbed into his bed and quickly fell asleep with Nellie snoring peacefully on the end of the bed. 

Nick's POV:

It was about 1 o'clock in the morning when I was woken by a knock on my bedroom door I reached out and turned my bedside lamp on and got out of bed without not disturbing Charlie I walked over and opened my bedroom door and saw my mum and Charlie's mum stood on the landing, I turned around as Charlie woke up as he rubbed his eyes he said 'Nick what's going on'. I walked back over to him followed by his mum who said 'Charlie it's your gran she's very poorly, the hospital rang. Would you like to go to her?'. 

Charlie nodded and said 'Yes I would. Could Nick come with me' Charlie's mum nodded and said 'Of course as long as it's alright with his mum' my mum smiled and said 'That's fine I think Charlie will want him there, just look after each-other'. 

When we arrived at the hospital I held Charlie's hand as we followed his mum up to the ward where his gran was, the nurse showed us to her room. Charlie's mum hugged him and said 'I'll give you some time alone with her Charlie' Charlie nodded and said 'Thank's mum. Nick can you come in with me', I squeezed his hand and said 'Course I will Charlie'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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