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Hi My name is Mickey. At leest dats What peeples say My name is. My teecher said that writting this jurnal will help improov My spelling so hear it go's. P.s.uhhhh uhhhh I forgot.

My f1rst munth at My new school:
Uh-uh Mrs. Uhh how do u spell ummmm dat I sed as My frends started lafing. I wunder wat them was lafing at . I like to laf.

"Class stop laughing, it's not funny. Mickey it's spelled T-H-A-T" she sed spelling it out for like the 20 eleventh time. Mrs is 1 of the kyndest peeples I have ever meet. My frends say she smells like poop but I tink she smells like the fish My mommy servs for dinner. I like Her cause she helps mee spell tings.

"Oh Yass thinks!" I sed as the class began to laf agen. This was a funey day for My class not so Much for mee because I had no idea Why they was lafing.

Bicycley My first munth at cuningham middle school was fun. My mom sed we moved hear for betta opporationaties or something like that, but I tink it was My last teaecher had called me a bad wurd starting with de letter r.

I wendrr wat dat werd meens...

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