The battle for Crosswind Hold

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Corrupted Io and Atlas managed to bring more variants of their universes, Pip, Bomb King, and Vora; their plan now is to bring back Yagorath, and for that they head to Crosswind Hold.
But there a big battle awaits them, as the champions will not allow them to do so.
At least, not without a fight.


The group was heading to the village of Seris, located in Crosswind Hold, a place remembered by all, the origin of Furia, Seris, and the powers of Corvus. Some energy from the abyss still resided in it; so it was the perfect place to summon more variants.

"We're close, Atlas, she'll be here soon," the corrupted Io stated.

"Will that energy work?" faltered the corrupted Atlas, who had his counterpart's temporary device hanging from his back.

"Yes, the abyssal energy will give you the power you need" she assured.

"How do you know?" Atlas hesitated.

"Someone used to have the ability to travel between realities, in an instant, but then lost the power, at a certain point, getting trapped."

"The oracle?"

"That's right, a variant of the oracle one day came to our reality, wounded, when I noticed her presence I realized that she was an intruder, I went to her location, and I could see how she was trying to return, but she couldn't."

"Trapped in another reality forever, where you don't belong..."

"The abyssal energy can be used to generate the wormholes, we'll bring the rest" Io sentenced, smiling slightly.



The group arrived at the outskirts of the town, the wall was protected by some soldiers, who immediately stopped them.

"You can't cross this gate," said a guard, quite frightened after looking at the group's appearance.

The corrupted Io advanced a couple of steps, standing in front of the walls.

"Bomb King, blow it up" she ordered, in an authoritative manner.

Immediately the corrupted version of Bomb King threw a couple of bombs at the gate and blew it up, a line of soldiers prepared behind it, they would defend the town at all costs, that was their duty.

"I'll take care of it, my goddess," offered Vora.

Vora prepared her scythe and advanced. Pip followed her; they annihilated a few soldiers, then the rest of them began to escape, clearing the way. they advanced through the town, sowing panic; soon they stopped, since three individuals prostrated themselves in front of them, in formation.

Leading the way was a heavily armored woman, cropped black hair with a red tip, holding a large cannon and a flag hanging from her back. On her left, a veteran soldier in a green uniform, carrying a carbine rifle, and finally, on her right, a brown-skinned woman with curly hair, which was slightly covered by her commander's cap, had a prosthesis in her right leg, and his weapon was a rifle.

"Crosswind Hold is under our protection! You're going to die here!" Ash exclaimed, preparing her cannon, Viktor and Octavia did the same with their weapons.

"Wow, at least you're not asking us to leave, but tell me, little girl, do you even have a slight idea who you're talking to?" Io added, surprised by her courage.

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