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THE SOUND OF FEET RUNNING, SNAPPING TWIGS, AND HEAVY BREATH FILLS THE AIR, the caricature of 4 boys running with all of their might clear against the scenery of the green woods.

"Faster, Sunoo! You're falling behind!" The eldest, Heeseung, yells. A familiar head of blonde hair lets out a noise of annoyance, his tone wild as he responds.

"I am not!" Sunoo argues before stumbling over an overgrown tree root he hadn't previously seen, resulting in the boy falling to his knees- left behind as the others continue moving.

"Oh, for fuck's sake..." Jay begins, hearing the commotion and swiftly pivoting on his feet. He raises his arms quickly, not stopping his light jogging and focuses, using his abilities to levitate Sunoo off the ground. He yanks the boy forward a few feet in mid-air, releasing his grasp on the younger and letting him fall the few feet from above once his position found him in line with the others. "Watch where you're running!" He says with a scolding tone, quickening his pace.

"Sorry!" The younger apologizes, briskly beginning his mad dash once again.

The group continues sprinting, glancing over their shoulders every few seconds to check for clearance. The woods were eerily silent apart from the commotion the group of strays were making, not a single form of wildlife, or life in general, in sight. After a third check over his shoulder, Sunghoon decides to acknowledge the boys, all beginning to become overcome with fatigue.

"I think we're good for now!" He shouts, hoping the others would be able to hear him.

Almost immediately, 4 pairs of feet stagger to a stop, looking around as to confirm the boy's words. Seeing no threats in sight, they allow their guards to drop for a moment, Sunoo sitting down whilst Heeseung and Jay lean against two large oak trees, catching their breath. Contrastingly, Sunghoon stays standing and alert, keeping watch whilst allowing the others to rest.

Something feels off to the ice prince, the usually bustling woods far too quiet, their escape far too easy. His senses become heightened, disregarding every other sound except for the desired one that would alert him to the presence of his enemies. He holds his breath and focuses, the other's not noticing as Sunghoon tunes them out. He mindlessly chews at his lip, a habit that he had obtained over the years, signifying his one track thoughts in the moment.

In a flash, Sunghoon reaches out a single hand, emitting a flame that burns through a stick that had been heading in the direction of his head, watching as it quickly turns to ash that falls to the ground. The others, now alerted, jump up with fear in their eyes, quickly on their feet and ready to protect themselves. Instinctively, the four begin huddling closer to each other, their backs facing one another as they defensively turn towards the woods.

Much to their confusion, the woods remain quiet, not a single noise of use that could give them information on the whereabouts of their assailant(s).

"What do you think, Hee?" Jay whispers out of the corner of his mouth. The older boy simply quiets him with a wave of his hand, mental calculations running through his mind at a speed faster than most could even begin to comprehend.

At a loss, he is about to tell the others that the stick could have just fallen off of a tree before one last piece of his mental puzzle clicks into place- and right on time.

"Move!" He shouts with urgency, the others whipping their heads to face him before immediately obliging.

Rolling, running, or ducking out of the way, the four watch in awe as a large boulder suddenly falls from above, landing with a loud thump and creating a cloud of dust in the spot they had been standing in mere moments before. Their eyes instinctively move up, finally spotting the three individuals responsible.

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