Extented Summary

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Kassandra Wood as always had a crazy life. She never felt like she fit in anywhere. Till she found her 'cousins'. They hadn't really been the but her fathers brothers wife was one of them. She moved in with her cousins aka the Hales. But only a few mounts after she moved in the house had been mysteriously set on fire. Most of the Hales had died in the fire. Luckily Kassandra had escaped. She hadn't been able to find Derek after the fire so she ran away.

Derek had been the one of the only Hales she could stand. With out him there she settled on running away somewhere else.

Something drew her to New Orleans. So she ran there and found out about her horrid past. While her stay in New Orleans she ran into an girl named Freya. She felt an instant click with her. Freya had signed adoption papers a nine months after she met Kassandra. Since then the two of them had been traveling around places all over the country.

After 5 years they had moved to a small town in Virginia. During that time she met a family that had the last name Argent. Kassandra had bonded with the to twins. She had became best friends with Lizzie more that Allison. Sure her and Allison were still friends but not as much as Lizzie  and Kassandra. Those to had only felt a stronger pull towards each other.

But only a few months later the Argents had moved some where else. Kassandra still kept in contact with them despite their father Chris telling them not to say anything else to each other.

Chris had always felt a off vibe from Kassandra. Once he had found out about who her parents were he instantly wanted her gone. The only reason why he hadn't killed her was because of her bond with his children. He hadn't told his wife knowing she would had tried to kill Kassandra in an instant. Not knowing that she would become and even more vicious monster that she already is.

Only a few months after the Argents left was Kassandra greeted by some girl of the name Josie Saltzman. She found about her being a witch a Siphoner to be exact. She heard about the story of her long lost twin who had been taken away from them in the middle of the night only a few years ago. Kassandra had felt a extreme sadness when Joise told the story.

But only after a few months something had happened again.

She heard her adoptive mom Freya having an argument with someone. Kassandra had been by the door listening in on the conversation. Until it had just stopped. Kassandra looked through the door and saw a man standing looking straight back at her. She felt a comfort and familiar sense when look in his eyes not knowing where she had seen him before. The man had dirty blonde hair and she could see a hint of darkness in his eyes.

A hint of the devil. Maybe.

But that all had been cut short as he started to speak to her while looking directly in the eyes. She felt hypnotized by this. She couldn't remember a thing that had happened. Only had snip bits of her memory's.

She remembered the Hale fire. Running off to New Orleans. She remembered meeting Freya but not how exactly she had meet her. She had completely forgot about her family's past. Seeming to only find out that they had all been dead beside her some how being related to the Hales. She remembered her supernatural side. Her being a were witch though not have activating here werewolf side. She remembered the Argent Twins and Josie.

The next thing she knew she had been in the passenger seat of a car. Next to Freya. They had been going to Beacon Hills.

Izzy speaks (important must read to understand this story)

So there are some obvious things with this book. The OC's character is strongly based of of Hope Mikaelson. Yet there are many things that are different. Every thing after season 4 of The Vampire Diaries isn't canon in this. Mainly because I forgot a lot of that stuff and also it's not important to the story line.

Along with other things that are different/ important in this Reality:

-Kassandra is basically Hope just with a different name and back story.

-Hayley is not Kassandras mom. I have another OC for her mother that you will meet around season 6. (Yes that is a long time away but she will have a few flash backs with her parents. You just won't have a face claim till season 6)

- Kassandra had multiple love interest. (Her endgame is Isaac Lahey though). She will have two other love interest during this book. Even though the first one is just fake and the other one was one sided.

-As you'll see in the cast I have used an actor from the tvdu and added her own character to someone in the teen wolf universe. I will develop that layer on.

-Kai has never gotten out of the prison world yet when he was in there someone else had jumped in only a few days after he had been put in there. And the girl that had been put in there had been a vampire and turned him. Causing him to be a Heretic. (This might not seem important now but it will be later on).

-Kassandra is a Tribrid. She has already activated her witch side. You'll see later on how she comes to turn a werewolf side and her vampire side.

-there are two different types of werewolf's(not including hybrids and tribrids) 1. Human Werewolf (the one in teen wolf) 2. Full Moon Werewolf's (the one in tvdu) but once you turn into a hybrid (part vampire) you can tap into both of those powers.

-there is a book called the dark hold. (Didn't know what else to call it so hello marvel). Which tells you about different dark supernatural beings. This book will be important later on in this books.

-not everything I write will be accurate to the storyline of both shows (mainly tvdu) I have add my own things I want to happen so don't get mad it things are different. You can kindly point them out and I can edit it so it's more accurate but in the end of the day I'm trying to do what's best for this story line.

-The characters might not act how you would think they would act it all simply trying to go with the plot line of this story.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did when I came up with this idea.

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