The Chocolate Room

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With no one answering, Wonka pulls out some cards to read from them, "Dear guests... greetings." "Welcome to the factory. I shake you warmly by the hand." he says, extending his hand, but it seems no one wishes to shake his hand either, which has him withdrawing it to go back to the cards, which has me watching him with wonder, "My name is Willy Wonka." he says for me to smile softly at him knowing he was terrific. Still, he seems a little weird and introverted. It seems all the best people are, and it has been a while since he has seen people, "Then shouldn't you be up there?" Veruca then asks, pointing to the kinder chair smoking and on fire from the puppet show, "I couldn't very well watch the show... from up there, now, could I, little girl?" Wonka tells Veruca as I watch him closely with my greeny-coloured eyes as it's kinder awkward right now with the man in front of us not knowing what to say next, "Let's get a move on, kids." Wonka then says for me to follow after Charlie tucking some strands of hair behind my ears as we move off inside, "Don't you want to know our names?" As I wonder about that, Augustus asks Wonka, who does not seem interested in the names of these children and my brother, "Can't imagine how it would matter." Wonka says as the doors close for me to take one last look outside before following the candy maker into the chocolate factory, wondering what is waiting for us, "Come quickly. Far too much to see."

Wonka says as we follow him, making me walk close to Charlie as we come to a long hallway that feels warmer than outside, which is nice, "Just drop your coats anywhere." Wonka says for me to take my coat off, putting it next to Charlie's as I look a little at the place with the tilt of my head on this place. "Mr Wonka? Sure is toasty in here." Mr Teavee then says for me to stand by Charlie, pulling my jumper down a little, "What?!" Wonka asks as he then turns to look at us for me to see chocolate brown eyes for me to keep my emotions to myself. He is beautiful to the eyes, which is weird because I have never thought of a man in my life and then along comes Mr Wonka into my thoughts, and he's the only one there who has me to gulp and keep it together, Millie, "Oh yeah, I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an... extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold." Wonka explains, cutting me out of my thoughts on the chocolate maker and how beautiful he is, which has me looking at my brother with wonder about who the workers are, "Who are the workers?" Charlie then asks as I wonder about that because it seems they are a mystery which has me turn my eyes back to the chocolate maker, who spares me a glance and then back to my little brother, "All in good time. Now..." Wonka says as we begin to walk down the hall. Still, the gum is chewy, then hugs the man for me to hear him gasp as we stop, "Mr Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde." the girl says for me to raise an eyebrow at her as I walk behind Charlie and next to Mr Salt. The latter is looking at me in a particular way, making me uncomfortable at this point with his eyes on me that I wish to remove, "Oh. I don't care." Wonka says for me to know that I like him from one look because he cares not for these other children in his presence, and then we begin to walk again as I walk along in my sneakers, "Well, you should care. Because I'm gonna win... the special prize at the end." Violet asks as I raise an eyebrow at her, knowing she is confident about winning it, "Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key." Wonka says as we are walking for me to frown a little at his words. Still, then Veruca steps in front of Wonka, who gasps, stepping back a little on that as we stop yet again on the interruption to the walking, "I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir." she says to do a little crusty for me to keep my giggles in on the name yet again which has me to bite my lip from not laughing at the name. 


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