chapter 1: not really a mikealson

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Gabi s pov

Today is mine and hopes 17th Birthday, the family was all out with hope, my family preferred hope over me, the only people that didn't like hope we're my uncle kol, and aunt Davina, so what I decided to do today is to pack my bags I was leaving this hellhole
I was leaving when the family went to sleep

I was laying on my bed when I felt a presence around me I got up and looked at the mirror, as I looked I tilted my head to the side "who are you?" I asked "my apologies my child my name is Inadu but most people like your family call me the hallow you're not really a mikealson but some of them like kol are actually ur uncles" she answers I nod "Im trying to leave here the only people that protect me from my so called family are my uncle Kol, aunt Davina and my older brother Marcel, what should I do Inadu then who kidnapped me from my actual parents" I ask "writes notes for them then cloak yourself so they won't be able to locate you or try to communicate with you the only people that can are the three you trust so that would be your uncle, aunt and brother and Mikeal and Esther were the ones that kidnapped you" she says "I also want to bring two people back from the dead or possibly my aunt Dahlia, my uncle Finn and my other uncle Henrik if I can" I tell her "first we have to become one" she tell me "how do we do that" I ask "reach your hand in the mirror and mutter the words Inadu become one with me" she says and I do it my eyes change color

I go to my bed to write the notes and put them in envelopes, just then I hear a knock on my door I put the notes away

"Who is it?" I ask

"It's Marcel, Davina, and Kol" they all say .

"Come in you guys" I say and they do as told

Marcel sits next to me on one side , kol sits in front of me and Davina sits on the other side

"Guys I know you don't want me too but I have to leave here, I know I was kidnapped" I tell them

"We know, I have some friends that can protect you" Marcel says to me

"Davina can you send a note to them" Marcel asks

"Of course " Davina says Marcel starts writing the letter to his friends there names are Sam and Dean Winchester , as soon as he's done writing the letter he puts it in an envelope then gave it to Davina so she can send it to them

In Kentucky

Sam and Dean Winchester are in the bunker looking up research on a witch as a letter appears on the table, Dean picks it up takes it out of the envelope and unfolded it

Dear Sam and dean,

I know it's been a long time since you heard from me and I'm deeply sorry for that and for what happened to ur parents, but me, a vampire original named kol Mikealson and a harvest wich named Davina Claire are sending you a seventeen year old girl back to you. I hope she is happy with you guys then she is here and I'm deeply sorry for what the original witch Esther Mikeason taking her from you and your parents anyways I hope this letter gets to you and we will be sending her soon.

Signed: Marcel, Davina, kol

As soon as Marcel got done writing the later and Davina magically sent it to Marcels friends, they helped me pack I didn't have that much stuff in my room because Hope would come into my room without knocking and demand I give it to her and if I didn't then she would cry or get d... Klaus and he would make me give it to her or he would threaten to kill me. Anyways Marcel and uncle kol knew I didn't have much so they set up a bank account for me that I couldn't touch until I was 21.

After I got packed and everything , I looked around the room, it wasn't that big it was just a small coat closet with a bed in it , I was really living like Harry Potter. Speaking of Harry Potter I got those books from in my closet, they were still wrapped, I have not opened them yet , afraid that hope would barge in and take them I rolled my eyes, I packed those books up along with my gifts I got from my uncle kol, Aunt Davina, and brother figure Marcel. (Until she meets the Winchester boys her actual brothers)

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