Moving in

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Hi, I'm Sapphire but I prefer Saph. I moved to Derry with my best friend last week, I already miss my parents but I'm 18 now, I need to start my life. I'm currently in my last year of high school, I hate school so I'm glad it'll be over soon. The town I used to live in was terrible, I hope this place turns out to be good.

"HARLYN, HAVE YOU SEEN MY MHA HOODIE?!" I yell from my room. "NO BUT MAYBE YOU LEFT IT IN BATHROOM?" She yells back from her room. "OKAY, THANKS" I yell back while walking to the bathroom. "Oh here it is!" I say happily. *might as well wash my face while I'm in here* I thought to myself.

I put my hoodie on and turned the water on. I splashed the cold water on my face a few times and looked into the mirror. I see a big clown standing behind me with a large smile on his face and drool dripping from his bottom lip. I scream in horror and step back quickly but I fell into the tub and hit my head. I heard Harlyn run into the bathroom to check on me, the clown had disappeared when she entered the room.

"OH MY GOSH, WHAT HAPPENED!?" she yelled worryingly. "Th-there was a...c-clown!" I said crying and trying not to yell. "WHAT?! We have to call 911!" She said while grabbing her phone. I can't help but sit and cry, I'm so scared. "hello? My friend and I need help! She hit her head really hard and said that there was a clown in our house, please help us!" Harlyn said to the police. " 5 minutes? ...okay, thank you so much!" Harlyn sighed in relief and hung up. " don't worry Saph, they're coming. But for now lets get you out of here and on your bed." She said calmly while helping me back to my room.

falling for a clown? {pennywise fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now