Henry Bowers

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I see Harlyn through the window as I walk in the house. "Hey saph! How was school?" She asked while pausing her show and moving her attention to me. "It wasn't bad but I met a guy today." I said slightly blushing. " Omg!!!! What's his name!!!???" She asked excitedly. "Henry bowers" I said while going to sit down next to her. "Aww, did you get his number?" She asked. "Yeah, he told me to text him later then he winked at me, He's honestly pretty cute." I said blushing. "He's so into you." Harlyn said with a grin. I roll my eyes playfully "Oh shush, we've only just met, I don't think he likes me." I said getting up and heading to my room.

I finally decide to text Henry, I'm bored why not?


Henry bowers (guy from school)

Hey, its Saph from school.

Hey beautiful, miss me?😘

I'm bored to be honest, that's why I texted.

well, if you're done making dinner and stuff, want to go get ice cream with me? It can just be us.

Fine, where do you want to meet?

I can come pick you up, is right now okay?

Yeah, my address is *************

Alright, see you soon😉

Well I better get dressed into something else, I'm still wearing my clothes from earlier. I picked out a pair of vans shoes, black saggy pants with a black and white checkered belt, a white crop top with a flame on it, and my 'PW' necklace. I wonder what the 'PW' stands for.

I turn to my window and I see...the clown again. He stared into my hazel eyes like he was waiting for me to say or do something. He waved at me. It feels creepy but I wave back with a slight smile on my face. Just then, Henry pulled up in the drive way. I look again where the clown was and he was gone, I find it kinda weird but not scary.

I hear Henry knocking on the door as I'm coming down the stairs. I open the door to be greeted with henry holding his arm out, waiting for me to hold it." Ready to go m'lady?" He says with a charming voice. I giggle " ready as I'll ever be " I say while smiling and taking his arm.

We got our ice creams and Henry started asking me for a few minutes about how my life is and things like that. "So uh, would you want to hang out with my friends and I after school tomorrow?" He asked. 'I actually wanted to find the clown...' I thought to myself. "Sorry Henry but I have something important to do after school tomorrow.." I say with a low tone. "Oh alright... Well can we hang out again? My friends want to meet you but you and I can just hang out until you get comfortable enough." He said with a sweet and charming voice. "Maybe.. But thank you for the ice cream, it really made my day." I say throwing away my napkin. "My pleasure" he said with a smile.

We are about to leave but I feel something or someone staring at me. I grab Henrys arm and I squeeze it. He stopped walking. "What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned tone. "I feel like someone is watching or following us..." I say hugging him a little tighter. He looks around. "I'm sure its nothing, cmon let's get you home." He says charmingly.

I get home and run upstairs to my room. I lock my bedroom door, I don't want to know what or who was following us. I quickly change into some pajamas and get in bed. I read for a little bit then fell asleep.

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