time with pennywise

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Saph's POV

I finally make it home at 2:03 AM. We both get out of the car and walk to the front door.

"Thank you Henry for tonight, it was fun." I say giving him a hug.

"No problem Saphy, I love spending time with you, let me know when we can hang tomorrow. I'll pick you up." He says picking me up then putting me back down. I giggle and blush.

"Bye Hen" I say as I open the door.

"Bye Saph" he says as he smiles at me and gets in his car.

I go inside and lock the door. I go upstairs to my room and get changed.

"Saph!!" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around instantly.

"Gah! Pennywise! Don't scare me like that!" I say with a scared but playful tone.

"Haha! Sorry Saphy! Anyways how was your night with Henry Bowers?" He asked with a fake joyful tone.

"It was quite nice actually, he's really sweet and charming.." I say slightly blushing.

He frowned. His eyes were turning from the royal blue color to a bright piercing yellow.

"Are.. You okay?" I ask with slight concern.

He instantly looked up, his eyes and demeanor went back to normal.

"Y-yeah, sorry.." He said giving a small smile.

I go up to him and look into his eyes as if I'm searching for something. I giggle and boop his nose with my finger. He shook his head which jingled the bells on his outfit and he gave me a pouty look.

"Cute" I say slightly giggling.

His face turned a bright red.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Uhm, well we can just talk and get to know each other?" I suggest with a smile on my face.

He picks me up and sits me on my bed. He lets me go and sits down on the bed. We are making eye contact.

"So tell me about yourself penny" I say with a smile.

"Well I'm an alien and I can shape-shift and teleport... I live in the sewers and I feed on children and their fear." He says softly.

"Ch-children...?" I ask kinda afraid.

"Yeah... You don't hate me for that right?..." He says with a sad tone.

"Are they the only thing you can eat?.." I ask.

"Mostly yeah, I can have adults but children get scared easier and they are better targets" He says with a soft tone.

"Well I understand and I don't hate you but dont do all that in front of me please" I say while slightly laughing.

"Come here saph, please" he says.

I crawl over to him. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back.

"Can I hold you like this?" He asks.

I nod my head and then wrap my arms and legs around him. I lay my head on his chest and start to doze off.

(pennywise POV)

she is so cute, I could never hurt this girl. I have to get going soon, I'm starting to get hungry.

I look down at her. good she's sleeping.

I slowly get up so I don't wake her, once I get up, I lay her down then grab a stuffed animal from her shelf and put it in her arms.

I teleport out of the room, I should be back in time before she wakes up.

(3 hours later)

Finally, I teleport back, she's still sleeping, that leaves me time to get all cleaned up but I still have to be careful to not alert her roommate.

I get all cleaned up then go back to the room and cuddle Saph again.

(Saphs POV)

I awake to pennywise getting in the bed next to me.

"Penny?" I ask with a shaky and tired voice.

"I'm right here, don't worry Saphy" he says while pulling me closer to him. "Calm down and go back to sleep" he says very softly and calmly.

I slowly fall asleep with him holding and cuddling me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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