Chapter 2

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(Lucky's pov)

I took the soul shards from the girl and her tablet. I then started to look around for penny. "Penny where are you, I've got the girl and the shards" I yelled. "Oh, goodie. Malak will be in so much joy!" penny smirked. I chuckled and nodded, I looked back at the girl and suddenly frowned. "She sounds like a sweet girl and she's cute, but I can't do nothing about it. She's a mortal and it's our job to get rid of her and bring the shards to malak." As I said that I froze. "What the hell, NO! I can't think that, I can't call her sweet or cute. I'm tough and I'm not gonna feel sorry for a weak person like her" I grumbled. "Are you okay lucky?" Penny asked. "Uh, y-yeah. Just thinking that's all" I replied. She nodded and looked away, waiting for malak to arrive. As we waited I noticed the girl waking up. "Hey there, princess" I giggled. She looked at me and penny and shrieked.

(Your pov)

I groaned and I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't notice that lucky and penny was there, until I heard lucky's voice. "Hey there, princess" lucky said, giggling. I turned my head and looked at lucky and then penny. I shrieked and started to punch and kick lucky, wanting him to let me go. Lucky rolled his eyes and whispered in my ear. "Don't even try toots, cause your not leaving" I shivered while blushing, as his voice went deep and husky. "He's here!" Penny exclaimed. I looked behind me and narrowed my eyes, when I saw the demon walk towards us. "Excellent work" malak smirked, looking at you. "I told you this would end badly for you" he smiled evilly. I frowned and looked down. "I failed you bierce, I'm so sorry" I thought. "Hey boss, is it okay if she can stay with us. She hasn't done anything wrong" lucky asked. "Don't be ridiculous rabbit, you want to keep the mortal. She's helping bierce collect the shards!" Malak shouted, making me, penny and lucky flinch. "I-I know boss, but s-she could help us kill other mortals" lucky stuttered. "Mmm, very well then, how about a deal. If she wins she won't stay with you and will head back to bierce. And if you win she can stay with you, deal?" Lucky nodded eagerly as penny cheered. "Deal! I'll make sure the girl doesn't get those shards boss" lucky smiled. Malak rolled his eyes and looked at me. "even if you do win, you won't be getting the soul shards back" you glared at him and watched him dissappear.

Lucky placed me down and patted my head. I slapped his hand away and suddenly realised my tablet was gone. "Where's my tablet?" I asked. Lucky grinned at me and showed me my tablet. "Nice tablet you got there, mind if I borrow it?" "No, give it back!" I tried to grab the tablet, but he was much taller than me. "Don't worry I'll give it back" he smiled evilly. I grumbled and looked down "Do you know why they call me lucky? Because I never lose, I hear your pretty lucky too" lucky crossed his arms and looked down at me. "W-what? I'm not lucky. You caught me and took away the shards" I glared angirly at him. "True, but your lucky to be alive. Now let's see how lucky you are" he grinned. I raised my eyebrow, while tilting my head. I heard cackling close by and turned around to see a lot of clones of lucky and penny. I gasped and turned back around to see lucky laughing manically. I didn't had my tablet now so I tried to run as fast as I can, finding a way to get out of here. As I was being chased, I saw the gate from before now open. I ran inside and looked behind me to see all the lucky's stare at me. "I'll see you later hun, good luck" he snickered. I growled and pressed the button on the elevator. The doors closed and started to head down. "Stupid, fucking rabbit" I mumbled with a small blush. "Oh, y/n. What have you done!" I heard bierce. "Bierce I'm so sorry, I was so close" I said in shame. I heard bierce sigh "It's okay dear I guess, please get those shards back and make sure you don't mess up this time" I was angry and upset, I'm not gonna let them get me this time. The elevator stopped and opened, I stepped out of it and began walking. I went inside a room and looked around in curiosity. "Some kind of control room? Everything is offline though" bierce voiced. I saw a door and walked up to, opening it and walking inside. As I was walking I stopped to hangry behind the glass. "Hi, I'm hangry. I'm a pig, ribs are my joy. I've hadn't had a meal in forever, come closer" he said. I was hesitant, but slowly walked up to him.  "Is that? Are those ribs!" He yelled. "You look delicious, you mind if I put a little barbecue sauce on you. I got my own recipe" I quickly stepped back and looked at him in disgust. "Your disgusting, I'm not gonna let you eat me" I shouted. He laughed while snorting and the lights turned off. "Now a fat ass pig wants to eat me, just great" I sarcastically said. Walking through the door. "Great, now there's a pig too. Well at least you only have to deal with this one. I had to deal with them in my entire life" bierce spoke. "I don't want to deal with any of them, their psychos!" I think out loud. I noticed a few shards and picked them up. I opened another door and saw lucky again. "Hangry's not himself when he's hungry. Kind of loses control around fresh, meaty ribs, you know what I mean" he smirked. "He's not going to eat me and your not gonna get me this time" I said. "Don't worry toots, I'll make sure he doesn't eat you. Cause when you lose you'll be staying with us for the rest of your life" he smiled widely and threw the tablet towards me. he then laughed loudly, and ran off. "We'll see about that lucky" I quitely said and started to collect the soul shards.

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