Chapter 1

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"Three pieces left, you want a new start, a better life. I can give that to you, all that and more" Bierce said. "I want to go home" I whined. Bierce frowned and said nothing and she opened up the next portal. I sighed and walked through the portal and before I could walk down the small hallway. Lazers shot out from the wall, refusing to let me past. I looked up and saw a camera starring at me. "Malak thinks he's being clever, now he's got a camera watching the entrance, to keep you from getting past" I heard bierce. "Does he think I'm not capable of making you invisible whenever I want. Or shrinking you to the size of a cockroach, or turning you into a cockroach if I so desire. Well I'll show him, return to the ring altar, fair warning this might hurt a bit. I nodded and went back through the portal. I walked up to bierce and saw her give me a new power which was vanish. I was amazed by all these powers I was getting, I wished I could use them when I return back home. I smiled at bierce and went straight back to the portal. I picked up the small tablet and used it to turn myself invisible.

I walked past the camera and grinned. "This new power is amazing, this might be more easier for me to collect the shards faster" I thought, walking through another portal. I looked around the place, feeling admired. "Woah, this looks like Disney land or world" I spoke in amazement. "Welcome, to joy joy land?" Bierce voiced in confusion. "I've got a bad feeling about this place. I'd pick up the pace if I were you" she was right, anything could pop out and attack me out of nowhere. I began walking up to the castle that looked unfinished and abandoned. "Ugh, not very magical looking is it?" Bierce said in disgust. "Yeah, it looks strange" I agreed. I relized that the the gate was there and there was no lever or anything I could do to open it. I went around the castle and saw a room that wasn't boarded up. I stepped inside and immediately got startled, when the layers and camera were there. I glared and used the vanish power to walk past it. I was about to walk out of the room, when the metal door closed shut by itself.

I stepped back and turned around to be face with a yellow rabbit and a chicken. "Is that a rabbit?" Bierce questioned. I gulped, feeling uneasy by the animals stare. "Hey there ma'am, I'm lucky the rabbit. Oh and this is my good friend penny the chicken" lucky smiled, pointing at penny. "Hi, I'm penny the chicken" the chicken warmly smiled. "And were both members of the joy joy gang" the rabbit chuckled. "I can see why this place is called joy joy land, this rabbit is really happy" I thought, listening to him speak again. "What about you? Are you ready to become one of the joyful?" Lucky asked in excitement. I looked at lucky feeling uncomfortable by him starring at me, waiting for you to answer. "U-um, sure?" I shrugged nervously. "Terrific, seeing new visitors fills us up with so much joy. To celebrate we're going to sing our joy joy song." He giggled and him and penny began to dance and sing. I watched as they sang and waited for them to finish. "Haha, yay! Wasn't that fun?" I smiled and clapped. "Great song, it was kinda catchy" for a second I thought I saw the rabbit blush, but it could just be the lights. "Good news, you may now enter our joy joy land. Feel free to run around and have a joy joy good time. We'll be seeing you soon ma'am" lucky said as he began to cackle loudly. The lights turned off and the door opened back up for me to get out. "Well, that was weird?" I mumbled, walking out the room. I broke the boards and began collecting the soul shards. As I were grabbing them, I saw lucky approaching. I gasped and quickly hid behind a wall. I heard his footsteps and carefully peeked around to see him walk away. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I heard him say

I sighed in relief and turned around and screamed, as I saw penny throw a large egg towards me. "Fuck!" I yelled, dodging the egg and started to run again. Lucky must of heard me as I heard him laugh. I used the speed power and used it, sprinting more faster. Lucky was right behind me and was catching up to me. "He has the stupid speed power too!" I thought in surprised. My power was about to run out, so I used the other power to stun them. I pressed it and lucky and penny were stunned. I quickly grabbed the shards that was near them and ran off. "Just a few more, I can do this" I said, feeling determined. There were 4 more shards left and I had to get them quick. As I was running I suddenly stopped, when I saw the 4 shards. My eyes sparkled with glee and before I could take them, a hand harshly grabbed my arm. I shrieked in pain and in shock, turning around to see lucky glaring down at me. "Oh, so close. You weren't thinking about leaving already were you? That really hurt my feelings!" He growled and picked me up, placing me over his shoulder. "H-hey, put me down!" I yelled, hitting his back. "Why should I?" He looked at you. "P-please, I'll d-do anything. Just please d-don't kill me" you said, tearing up. "Sorry toots, but it's the bosses rule" he smirked and knocked me out.

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