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After the ball makes contact with your face, you fall forward to the ground.

Students surround you, while you whimper loudly in pain and clutch into your bleeding nose.

The boy who has hit you with the ball quickly rushes to your side before Claude and Vincent could.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" he apologises with an insincere tone.

"We have to take her to the nurse's office, she's losing too much blood" one of the Hatchford team announces.

"I will take her" you were about to deny the boy's request.

But it was too late, he already picked you up into his arms as if you were a feather.

"Good job, now take her to the nurse's office, Harper"

When the Hatchford's principal said the name, you froze up.

The boy who hit you with the ball by accident was Harper.

Harper, who bullied you for having a scar on your arm, and called it imperfect.

That Harper.

Oh no, this was not an accident at all, that's for sure.


"Don't worry, your nose isn't broken, it's just a little blood" the nurse comforts you after bandaging your nose to stop the bleeding.

With that, the man leaves you alone with Harper.

"That wasn't an accident, was it?" you ask, glaring at him.

"No, it wasn't, I just got annoyed with your cheering," he says, staring back at you with his blue eyes.

"I was cheering for my team, damn you" you exclaim angrily but wince slightly as your head still hurts a bit.

"Cheering for the team, or for Claude" you sneer at Harper.

"I think that doesn't concern you, plus I and Claude are...you know what? I don't owe you any explanation"

Harper only stays silent, examining you, as if in deep thought about something.

"That's right, you don't owe me an explanation"

Those were the last words he said before taking his leave.

You find his whole change of behaviour strange, and scary.

Claude stares at Harper as he exists while he enters the office.

"Did he say something bad to you?"

"He just admitted to hitting me with the ball on purpose because I was cheering" you explain, standing up from bed.

"Why we're you cheering for me, though?"

The question made you roll your eyes.

"I was cheering for the team! Why does everyone assume that I was cheering for you?!"

"Because you were calling my name while cheering"

"I was calling your name because you are the one who scored the goal"

Claude chuckles loudly, amused by your anger to prove something.

"So, you have forgiven me for what I have done?"

Out of nowhere, and before you could answer anything, Narcissus rushes into the office and grabs Claude by the front of his shirt.

"I knew you hated her, how dare you hit her with the ball!"

You quickly interfere before anything bad happens.

"It wasn't him who hit me, Narcissus" your best friend turns to you.

"Then who was it, (Y/n)?"

Seeing Narcissus so furious made you go silent in fear of him hurting Harper and getting into trouble.

But, Claude thought otherwise.

"It was Harper"

𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐩| Dark Genderbend! Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now