Chapter 1

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Isn't it funny, how the world works? There are the rich and the poor, the young and the old. The ones who never have to worry about being on the streets in poverty. Then there's me who falls in love with the ones who don't have to worry, but that's later on in our story.. let's start from the beginning.

When you live in Gotham you fend for yourself no explanation asked. You learn to live life like it's your last, and for me, that's always been my motto. Living on the side of town that never gets sunshine. After a long night's prowl. I finally reach home. Dropping everything as soon as the window shuts. "Every day gets longer and longer," I say as I take off my cowl. I sat down in the living room turning on the tv to wash my sorrows away. "Good Evening Gotham Citizens, today we bring you an exclusive interview, with Mr. Bruce Wayne." My eyes widened as I heard the name. "Thank's for having me." He said in such and deep smoldering voice. I raise up the volume. "So, Mr. Wayne, we assume you've heard about the recent disappearances, of local authorities and citizens." My mouth drops, "NIGMA!" Edward Nigma is one of Gotham's fiercest criminals psychopaths and overall creeps, oh and not to mention my boss... "I have heard, it's terrible truly" I heard him say." "I've donated millions to the foundation and the GCPD in support of this case." I picked up the remote and threw it at the tv. Who does he think he is? One thing that bugged me most in this world was arrogant men, and Bruce Wayne was first on my list. I picked up my cowl looking at it. "life can be so cruel at a time", I said to myself.  I got up and walked to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. Eventually laying my head on my pillow, analyzing my life. How I got here,? questioning my purpose for all of this. I eventually closed my eyes and with it, the day itself.

As the morning began, so did the next step in the Nigmas plan, I realized as I got up from bed. Grabbing my phone from the dresser, I looked down to discover 10 unread messages from Edward. "Great" as I started reading Edward going on and on about the great plan he was so helplessly devoted to, one thing caught my eye. "Batman?" I responded. "What does Batman have to do with this Edward?" "You do know Curiosity  kills cats right?" He replied. "Cut the shit Nigma" I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt waiting for his reply. "Batman deserves a front-row seat at his greatest defeat yet and you are a perfect way, to make that happen." "What are you talking about?" "I want you to make the Bat chase the Cat to meet his doom, Kitty." At first, I didn't know what to say. How could I lead someone to their death? Although, I and the Bat weren't the greatest of friends something made me lean to him for comfort, the mystery, and the sense of honor he held. I started typing..."Sounds good Nigma, send me the location." I put my phone down. I was going to regret this.

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