Chapter 6

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I sat by his bedside, and eventually, the day turned to night. I closed my eyes, for what felt like a second I didn't want to wake up, I didn't want to see him knowing what happened was my fault. I was awoken but this time not by the sunshine peering threw his bedroom but by the sounds of knocking coming from the door. I glance up to see his presence, he looked so peaceful sleeping there, I hope he could forgive me I told myself. I started walking to the door and as I turned the door handle, I was surprised to see Alfred. "Alfred," I said shockingly, "Good Morning Ms. Kyle, I didn't mean to startle you, I just came to check on Master Bruce." I nodded, and he walked to the bedside staring at Bruce. "He looks better," he said, I couldn't agree more with him. "Well we should let him rest, I'm sure he won't be asleep for much longer." I chuckled, and we left the room, something in me wanted me to stay but I just did what felt normal.

We made our way to the dining room, as I sat down in the closet's chair, "Thank you, Alfred, for everything." He smiled, I took a second to compose myself but before I knew it I felt a presence behind me, wrapping their muscular arms around my neck. I jerked unaware of my surrounding, or what was happening to me. "Good Morning Ms. Kyle" I heard a familiar voice say. I abruptly turned to see him. "Bruce" I whispered, before I gave him the chance to say anything, I jumped into his arms, causing us to fall and hit to floor. Our eyes met, as I realized I fell on top of him, and a sense of warmth hit my cheeks. "I'm so sorry," I said, He smiled I quickly got to my feet, just my luck I told myself. "Alfred I have to run by the office, can you keep Ms. Kyle entertained and safe until my arrival," he chuckled looking down at me. "Of course," Alfred said. I could feel his eyes, staring at me as he placed his hand on the back of my head tilting my head to look at him, "Selina" he said in a soft whisper, "yes" I replied unaware of what he was going to say next. "Have dinner with me tonight" my eyes widened, I could see he took note of that, and smiled. "okay" is all I could say I was, in shock.

"DINNER?" was I a fool to say yes. Yes, I was but how could I resist his charm I told myself pacing the guest bedroom. What was I going to do, I had never been on a date much before, LET ALONE WITH THE BRUCE WAYNE, PRINCE OF GOTHAM? I took a second to collect my thoughts, I closed my eyes and opened them I could do this. I walked to the closet to find tons of outfits stored, my eyes had never seen so many clothes. I ran back to the door, and out into the hall, "Alfred" I called from the top of the stairs, "Yes M.s Kyle, is everything alright" "Yes Alfred, I'm sorry to bug you but are these outfits in here for me?" I said, he smiled which made me confused, "Yes Ms. Kyle, Master Bruce had them put in, the day you arrived. I smiled, "Thank you Alfred", he smiled and walked away as I went back into the room. Let's see, "red," ugh no, "blue?" no, I began to feel helpless, and then I spotted it. As time passed, I was finished getting dressed I could hear the boys chatting downstairs, I looked once more in the mirror. I could do this, no big deal. I found the courage to leave the room, walking slowly down the stairs, Bruce was facing away from me standing with Alfred at the door. "Master Bruce," "Yes Alfred?" "Turn around sir," as I saw him turning his shoulders to face me I stood still, his eyes met mine, he glanced down, looking at my body, and then back to me, "Wow."

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