Chapter 3

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You know what they say about black cats right? Bad luck. Bad Voodoo, or maybe that the fate of a black cat passing your life is a curse. If I've learned anything these past 9 lives it was that I have no luck.

My head hurt, really bad like really really bad. I wish I could say I knew what had happened and where I was, but I had no answers. I looked around briefly, "nothing that looked familiar." I reached for my pocket that I knew stored my phone, "Shit" nothing. I eventually got the strength to sit up and when I did I heard the doors of whatever room I was in open, I looked over to see who or what was about to enter my presence, my mouth widen I was still, cold as ice, my heart was pounding I so badly wanted to scream at that moment but nothing could come out. The only words that could come out were, "Bruce Wayne?"

I turned back around, in shock about what I had just seen hoping he wasn't going to come any closer to me, as I tried to close my eyes and wake up from this nightmare I heard the heavy steps coming towards me. I was too scared to open my eyes my mind was racing with questions that I had a feeling only he could answer. I peaked my eyes open to see him standing in front of me, which made my eyes widen. For what felt like hours we didn't say anything to each other he just stared at me with this cold expression, which made me nervous I finally had the courage to ask him, "where am I?" "why am I here?" "what do you want from me." he didn't say anything he just continued to look at me, he raised his hand and placed it on my chin lifting my face to meet his, in his cold deep substantial voice he said, "how are you feeling?" "fine, I said," he and I both knew I wasn't telling the truth. As my eyes met his I could see his face more clearly it was toned, and his eyes were the lightest shade of blue, I could almost see my reflection in them, but when you looked harder u saw how bedeviled he was. He let go of my face and for a second I wish he hadn't "Your lucky I found you Ms. Kyle" "Ms. Ky-" I stopped, how did he know my name I questioned in my mind. "You had a major fall huh,? enough to give you a serious concussion, he remarked. "This isn't a joke," I said. "You better tell me where I am right now!" as soon as I said that the door flew open again. "I hope I'm not interrupting Mr. Wayne" I turned to see who had said that, but before I could question it. "No not at all Alfred," Alfred? who was he I wondered to myself? "Ah, it looks like Ms. Kyles is awake" I glanced over at Bruce to see him already staring at me. "It's nice to see you up Ms. Kyle, How are you feeling?" it took me a moment to respond but I eventually got the words out, "I'm fine" I glanced back up at Bruce to see his eyes on me. "That's quite nice to hear, well master Bruce I got you the bandages you asked for, I don't want to intrude any longer let me know if there's anything else you need. "Will do Al thank you," and with that Alfred was gone. "I sat up watching Bruce sit on the coffee table in front of the couch. I couldn't help but feel curiosity when our eyes met like I've known him my whole life, Edward was right all along curiosity does get you killed.

I stood up walking to the closest mirror in the room, Bruce hadn't moved but I knew his eyes were on me. "God my head hurt." I could hear Bruce chuckle, when I looked up at the mirror I could see myself for the first time since last night, I could see why they kept asking me how I felt, I had the biggest gash on the top of my head. I got closer for a better look and I could see the amount of blood under the bandages, the fresh blood, I stepped back and looked at Bruce, he had a concerned look on his face now, I glanced back at my open wound and raised my hand bringing my fingertip to gently gaze over the cut I looked down to see blood all along with my fingers, and with that, I felt my body feel light like that night falling, and my eyes shut.

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