late to class - 12

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it's monday as jj wakes up with a huge hangover.

he leans up on his headboard, holding his head.

the pain was horrible.

he went to pull out his phone when he saw messages with simon from yesterday opened on his imessage.


me: hey baby
me: hwo about i twke ypu out anf we fuxk?

minter💥: you even text pissed, how much did you drink mate?

me: thst dobt awsner my quesation do it?

minter💥: mate just get someone to take you home, you're way too drunk to be out still.

me: cute tgat yiu csrw

minter💥: i have no clue how i'm able to read what you say.

me: cmoe gwt me
me: ill gvie yuo head in retunr

minter💥: you're funny
minter💥: text me in the morning so i know you didn't end up on the street, night!

me: okay byofreind 💗

jj face palmed and texted simon immediately.


me: yo si
me: sorry for my drunk self yesterday, couldn't control myself

minter💥: it's okay, i knew you were drunk when you ringed me (;

me: i ringed you?
me: what'd i say?

minter💥: too much

me: fam you have to tell me
me: you can't not tell me what i said when i was drunk

minter💥: you rejected a girl right.
minter💥: and said that you were taken
minter💥: and you just so happened to tell that girl you were taken by me.

me: fucking hell
me: missed out on a peng ting i bet

minter💥: sure
minter💥: i'll see you in school today

me: aight


'why didn't you come to the party?', josh asks as they walk through the hall.

'had to watch the house, i guess.', simon shrugged.

'you missed out on so much, you know. it was so fun.', josh chanted.

'and you're boyfriend was there.', joshua teased, receiving a shove to the shoulder.

'though, you'd cry if you saw him there.', josh said nonchalantly.

'wha? why?', simon asks, lifting an eyebrow.

'well uh, let's just say his lips touched.. many others.', josh explained.

opposites ; ksimon ffWhere stories live. Discover now