Mafia Queens 👑

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After the boys left. The girls started to get ready. Forr What?

You must have to know because they are

Mafia Queens

The Mafia Queens
Lisa - the queen 👑
Rose, Jisoo, Jennie -the princesses

Their business don't belong to their father or other family members .
Their was once someone who they love the lot they own this business but someone ploted their death and they try to take revenge and being Mafia Queen for 2 years and get ready to attack their enemies and they are suspecting BTS that they kill their loved once.

Okay are you ready let's go
Lisa said.
Everyone said excitely because they are going to an important drug day which  rally meant alot to them.

Everyone said excitely because they are going to an important drug day which  rally meant alot to them

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Their clothes.

I didn't crop bcz i was getting late.Mianhe..

Soon black pink went to the dark Alley to attend their drug deal.
What happened Rose said because she was frustrated.
Why they and why they are late. Jennie

Look they are coming Jisoo said.
Sorry we are late in the drug dealer said.

Whatever just give me the drugs and take the money Lisa said angrily.
They are angry because they are getting late.

What if their husband come before them and saw the room completely empty they will surely suspect them and they don't want to get caught at the first day.

Okay just give me the drugs that you said and let me check it.

Soon the deal finished and black pink change their clothes
near old building because they were getting late what if they see in these girls in these their cloth.

Black pink suddenly opened at door and went to their suspective rooms and pretended to sleep as the already changed their clothes and this really help a lot to them.

Suddenly they hurt someone's foot step in each of the rooms everyone's heartbeat started beating faster because the boys were coming and they don't want to get caught because they were not good it pretending things.

Read next chapter to know what happened when the boys came.

Your other Savàs

In the Night,We are the Mafias 🖤 (BlackPink x BTS){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now