01 || Blue and White

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This hangar was made for small planes but has been abandoned for many years. Master Shredder took advantage of the large structure and uses it as a base for him and his soldiers. So far, the hangar provided great coverage for the menacing Clan and it never disappoints.

On the side of the hangar, there were about ten rooms built for anyone who wished to live there. Each room had a bed and a dresser... no entertainment. The only way one could keep themselves busy is to either train martial arts, read a book, or just converse with whoever was nearby.

As for one of Shredder's Foot soldiers, his youngest daughter stares out of the window, seeing nothing but a sky full of thin white clouds. The more she went deep into thought, Violetta, or Vi, would no longer hear the noises surrounding her, and that included her own sibling's voice.

"Violetta!" Rory snaps at her younger sister from her bed with an annoyed groan. The two sisters shared a room... lucky enough to have two beds and two dressers. In this room of the hangar, there isn't much color.

Violetta quit her daydreaming while staring out of her window, slightly smirking at the blue sky as a small flock of pigeons flew by. Once her older sister barked her name, Violetta gasped in surprise, blinking out of her trance, and swiveled her head toward her sibling. "What?"

"Did you hear me?" Rory says, still strongly annoyed with her sister.

"No..." Vi replied, confused about Rory's question. "What is it?"

"I said that you better put that sh*t away before father sees it." Rory gestured to Vi's device in her hand. One of the most forbidden objects here at the main headquarters. Both of the girls are under age ten and have very foul mouths, but does Shredder or the Foot care? No.

"Where did you get that, you snake?!" Rory attempted to get closer and grab the phone from her sister's hands.

Vi quickly retreated from her older sister, getting into defense mode and using her foot to kick her sibling away from her personal space. "You don't understand, and you never will, Rory!"

Rory felt a blow to her ribs and felt herself meet the bedroom floor, catching her breath after Violetta knocked the wind out of her. Her eyes were watering, and all Rory could feel was betrayal, anger, hatred, and a hint of sadness. She wanted to get her sister in trouble for becoming disobedient to their father's mighty empire.

Violetta knew that there would be nothing else good to come from this now that she had been caught. She threw the phone to the ground and smashed her heel into the touch screen, feeling the small shards of glass enter her heel as she stomped on it—blood decorating her foot and smearing the floor of their room.

The younger sister knew what she had coming to her and that is a great punishment. She assumed that if she punished herself, she wouldn't get another one.

Violetta tried to come off aggressive as her sister. As a seven-year-old child training to become a Foot Soldier, Vi wanted to sound menacing and cruel... just like her father. "This is what you want, Rory?! You don't want us to have fun? You--You are a miserable drone!"

Crying on the floor, Rory crawled away from her sister and feared that she would get the beating by Shredder.

Outside of the bedroom, a patrolling Foot soldier overheard the commotion and barged through the door to see the girls' room had been turned into a minor mess with glass and a broken phone on the floor. The soldier sees the forbidden item next to Violetta's bed with a small trail of blood soaking into the cheap and worn carpet. The concealed soldier dressed in his black leather uniform grabs Vi by her forearm, guiding her out of the room to take her to Shredder himself.

Shredder is in his room, dressed in his armor, surrounded by rubber dummies, displayed weapons, and a single dim light casting on his glistening person.

The soldier knocks on the door frame of Shredder's room. "Master Shredder," The soldier says, still grasping Vi's arm. "One of your daughters has been caught with a forbidden item."

Shredder slowly turned his head to the doorway, seeing his youngest daughter with tears in her eyes, shaking with fear and her right foot is still producing a mess of blood. The master didn't mind Vi's injury... all he cared about was her upcoming punishment.

"Leave us," Shredder says in Japanese, watching the soldier bow to his master before leaving Vi with Shredder. Violetta knew she fucked up when her father told the clan member to leave. She didn't feel safe being alone with just him and knew that this could be her end. Shredder knows that this lesson would be her last of trying to get ahold of any electronics ever again and he wanted to deliver that message to her very well.

The girl stood in the doorway with her foot hovering above the floor, glass still lodged inside as the other foot supported her weight. Violetta hugged her arms tightly against her body in hopes that it would give her some comfort to keep herself standing before such a menacing man.

Shredder removed his helmet so that his troubled child could witness his scars, taking a good look at him. Vi swallowed the lump forming in her throat, glad to see her father's face -- She hadn't seen him in weeks.

After her father set down his helmet, he glared at his child. Vi knew what was coming.

He used his low, raspy voice with his small child, intimidating her intentionally. "Do you remember why we have the 'no electronics' rule, Violetta?" Shredder held his head high, seeming even taller than he once was.

"Y-Yes, father," Vi replied, limping farther into her father's room.

"Then why is it that you were found with one, Violetta? Surely, you didn't think that hurting yourself would get you out of this, my dear?" He got closer to his little girl and crouched down to meet her eye level.

From behind her, Violetta could hear a few more soldiers approaching with Rory. The troubled girl didn't turn around to see.

Expecting it, Violetta had fallen back on the floor, paralyzed from the head down as many volts of electricity shocked her body. She screamed in agony wishing someone could rescue her from her suffering. The electricity current was almost burning her on the inside and out and it must have been the worst torture she had to grow up with. Over time, she had no choice but to endure Shredder's harsh and painful actions.

At Shredder's doorway, another Foot soldier held Rory in his hands, covering her mouth, forcing her to watch her little sister's punishment.

The blue and white bolts of electricity surge through Vi's limbs and every so often, gave her a simulation of her brain being scorched by fire. It would feel like years when she got electrocuted by those Foot wands but then would get instant relief once her father ordered the punishment's end.

Seven-year-old Violetta had gone limp, her tears aching to crack from her hazel eyes. Her lungs gasped for air and her cheeks burned red. The child is exhausted and continuing to live this way will only make her an angry little girl.

"I'm sure you learned this time, my dear..." Shredder kneeled to her.

Vi gulped. "Yes, father... I have accepted my punishment." She sobbed.

"Good," Shredder says, with no remorse or emotion in his voice.

What's incredibly terrible, Vi and her older sister, Rory thought that this was the way of living. They believed getting punished with electricity was right, they thought having no fun was forbidden--no laughing, no toys, no coloring books, no playing outside... just darkness and no physical love or any form of parental-family affection. The sisters' lives are bland, mysterious, painful, and did not have an ounce of light.

They believed that this was right, every piece of it.

Iɴᴅɪɢᴏ & Sᴀɴᴅsᴛᴏɴᴇ || ᴀ ᴛᴍɴᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ '16【✓】 Where stories live. Discover now