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EDDIE didn't know who he was anymore

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EDDIE didn't know who he was anymore. He remembers what he did at the restaurant so vividly that he knew he wasn't dead, but he might as well have felt like it with the lack of control he had over himself. 

He was stuck between reality and a crazy, incredibly wild LSD trip, as he thought of it. He was also questioning what had happened at the LIFE laboratories greatly. 

What had come out of Maria that night? What had crawled into him? What had gotten into him? Why was it seeming that at random he'd be shoved into the backseat like something else was in control: another instinct. 

Riley was pondering similar questions, just with less detail.

What had happened to him that night he was gone? What were those pictures doing on his phone? What had gotten into him?

And now, she had a thought that she might be able to get some answers, as she was standing on one side of a MRI room. Eddie was in the MRI scanner, perfectly still, with Daniel and Riley on the other side, plus another doctor.

Riley had a level of borderline trust with this Dan that she didn't have with most, as he made sure she was able to stay with her father on the ambulance ride to the hospital. 

"Eddie. Eddie? Eddie, can you hear me?" Daniel poked his finger onto a loudspeaker button, "this is Dan speaking to you."

 After a moment of silence, Eddie responded.

"Hey.. Dan.."

"Welcome back."

"Where am I?"

"Uh, you're in the MRI, okay? We gave you a little sedative," Daniel stays calm, as Eddie's heartrate forces a frown on his face, as he hears only Dan's voice.

"Where's Riley?" Eddie's voice didn't need to shake with concern to show his sudden realization at his daughter missing from the picture, but it still happened anyway. 

"Riley's right here next to me," Dan spoke with a light tone, waving Riley over to him. He pointed to the speaker, and she nodded. 

"Hey Dad," Riley smiled, "how you doing over there?"

Hidden by the MRI machine, Eddie's sigh wasn't heard, but his smile could be heard in his voice. Maybe only Riley noticed the change in his voice, but it didn't matter. At least the two knew the other was semi-okay. 

For the Brock's, okay wasn't just okay. It never would be, and so semi-okay was what they had to work with ninety percent of the time. The other ten percent was left to draw with either life being absolute shit, or a fever dream of unrealistic fantasy. 

"Hey Rils, I'm doing.. I'm semi-okay. How about you, sweetheart, are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm good." Riley took Dan's nod to continue. Riley took a deep breath, "okay, so, now their just gonna run some tests, with the scanner thing-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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