~~Section 1, Part 1 - 4D Chess~~

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You're typically facing a character that can actively read your mind or see into the future when using this particular form, though this sort of move may apply to power gamers of any shape, size or form. 


- A stealth-capable/Agile character


- The best way to go about your turn is to avoid describing your exact move, but instead change the pov to their character.

- You can explain what they see, feel, and hear without giving away the exact movements you're making. 

 - Next, give them a direction - front, back, sides.

 - Give them two turns; first, they'll hear rapid or muffled movements all around them, but they won't be able to see your character. 

 - On the second turn, make it so they can hear the movement in one of those four directions.- most will take the time to taunt you or throw wild attacks, and if they do either, you get a free hit on them. 


- The exact counter to this move is pretty simple; You have to keep your guard up. Just say that your character pays attention to the sound, and the player using this strategy will have to give you a chance to see and guard against the attack. 


- Provides a loophole to auto-hitting rules, granted the move has a two-turn windup, the power player in question having plenty of time to respond. 

- It can also be an insta-kill if the server in question is RTK (Reason to kill) instead of PTK (Permission to kill) (lest the server rules say otherwise.)


- Must be used responsibly. While nothing is stopping you from insta-killing someone in an RTK server, you don't want to be known as 'that guy'.

 - Will likely be cause for disputes. 

- Will likely result in a ban if used against power tripping admins.

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