26: Bean sprouts sell well!

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Liang Han took the guy out of the store and came to the car. 

Zhang Qingzhu, who was waiting beside the car, saw that he had brought people out, and he knew the business was done. 

He smiled and asked, "How many kilograms do you need?"

Liang Han smiled and said, "Ten kilograms, I'm not very good at using scales, come and help with the weighing." 

"You are so stupid." Zhang Qingzhu said, and began to weigh the vegetables. 

Seeing that the weight was enough, he let the man look at the jin liang on the lower scale. "Ten jin is enough."

When the bean sprouts were taken out of the basket, a passerby saw it. 

There are a few people who want to buy or see something fresh. 

Liang Han said the price. 

Some people thought it was a bit expensive, but it seemed that the price was not unacceptable. 

If you just want to buy it, you have to go home to get the basket and let Liang Han wait for them for a while.

According to Liang Han's idea, he felt that it would be a waste of time to wait for them, and it was more important to go to a few restaurants to recommend them. 

However, Zhang Qingzhu felt that since some people wanted to buy some, they could sell some, so what if they waited for a while, those restaurants could not run away. 

Liang Han naturally had to rely on him. 

After waiting to sell eight catties, Liang Han hurriedly said to Zhang Qingzhu. "Let's go, what if someone comes to collect money from us if we stay in one place for a long time."

Zhang Qingzhu hesitated a little, "But there are still three who want to buy. People haven't come yet." 

With a good memory, he remembered it very clearly.

"Forget the few, let's go to the restaurant and ask. After the restaurants are all finished, let's go to the streets to sell the rest, okay?" Liang Han suggested.

Zhang Qingzhu thought about it and agreed, after all, it's a waste of time to wait for people here, "Okay, let's go."


Walking out of the last restaurant, Liang Han smiled at Zhang Qingzhu and said, " Here  weighed eight catties."

Zhang Qingzhu skillfully weighed the bean sprouts, and after the others left, he excitedly said to Liang Han, "It's sold so fast! There's not much left. There are six restaurants, two inns plus two taverns, each costing several kilograms, are really good."

Liang Han looked at it. 

Two of the three bean sprouts baskets were empty, and the remaining one contained more than ten kilograms. 

This time, the business went really well. After entering a few stores, more or less business was completed. 

In addition to the scattered purchases by passers-by, almost all of them were sold out. 

Seeing that there was not much left, he said to Zhang Qingzhu, "We don't need to go to a big store like Yunkelai. Besides, there are not many bean sprouts left, so let's go back after shopping. You didn't mean this afternoon. Are you going home? Bring home the rest of the bean sprouts."

Zhang Qingzhu hesitated. "This is not good." 

He felt embarrassed even eating and taking it.

Liang Han smiled and said, "It's okay, just treat it as the wages you gave me to sell vegetables."

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