33: Uncle Liang's Plan!

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The first thing Liang Han does after getting up to wash now is to water the bean sprouts.

Because he needed warm water and hot water, he simply saved a lot of it in the space, and stored the amount for five days at a time, so he didn't have to get up every morning to fetch water. 

Moreover, when Zhang Qingzhu was away, Liang Han was too lazy to boil hot water to wash his face. 

Rough man, you can stand it with cold water!

After pouring the bean sprouts, while waiting for the water to run down, Liang Han saw that the weather was fine, so he took out the bedding and dried it. 

After that, he sat in the main room, thinking that there was nothing to do anyway, so he brought out the system panel.

Looking at the watermelons and melons in the warehouse that could not be exchanged for money, as well as extremely cheap cabbage and radishes, and some peppers that were not harvested soon. 

He can grow vegetables when he is short of vegetables in winter, but he does not dare to sell them. It is a little regretful to think about it. 

However, he is not too greedy, and feels that his childhood is more luxurious than the villagers, and he is quite satisfied.  "Sure enough, happiness can be compared."

However, there are indeed a lot of vegetables in the space, and he can't eat them at all. 

He thought, "Maybe I can make some pickles or kimchi with cabbage and radishes. I planted peppers, which no chili on the side, and the spiciness is also a selling point. But the price of salt here is not cheap, so you have to calculate the amount of salt first. If the cost is too high, it is not suitable to sell it. After all, the villagers here are not willing to pay several times more to buy something that is quite cheap. They are more about saving than good food. As for selling to restaurants, they have a limited amount after all, um... Let's talk about it later. Eat first. Getting some pickles and kimchi can be considered more ways to eat, otherwise, if you eat cabbage, radishes, radishes and cabbage all day long, you can eat these two dishes back and forth, and you will soon get tired." 

Being able to grow other vegetables, he can only eat it secretly, which is really enough to make him feel helpless.

Liang Han thought it would be good to make some pickles. 

After some consideration, he planned to make two kinds of dried radishes first. 

One kind of hot and sour flavor, one kind of sweet and spicy flavor, first make two jars to eat at home. 

As for the cabbage, he has no idea. People here have the habit of accumulating sauerkraut, but because of the price of salt, people here do not use salt when accumulating sauerkraut. 

He can't do things like sauerkraut, but it is said that his aunt is very good at it. 

He got some cabbage and sent it over two days ago, and asked her to help me store up a small pot of sauerkraut, thinking that it would be good for stewing meat or making sauerkraut fish in the future.

The sour and spicy dried radish he wanted to make was very simple. 

Just marinate the radish with salt for three or four hours to let the radish out of water, and then pour the radish and the brine into the jar. Add some fresh peppers and soak them together. 

Because the radish will continue to leak water during the soaking period, turn it over with oil-free chopsticks every few days to make all the radishes fully soaked in water. 

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