Chapter- 4 bullying

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Karthikeya's POV

10 days passed just like that. Like always, she is doing everything with a smile, which my aunt and Rekha told her due to hatred.
Every morning when I wake up, she gives me a bright smile, which is very innocent.

Sometimes I think she is too good for me; she never complains about my behaviour and tries to make me comfortable. But sometimes, I feel like there is something I don't know which is making her do all things without any complaints.

Why would anyone marry someone who doesn't like her and do all the things for them with a smile on their face?

"Go and bring my shoes", Jashwanth, aunt Dhamini's son, ordered my wife.

"I will bring your shoes. She is your sister, after all," a maid said, trying to convince him.

"Sister my foot," Jashwanth roared.

Listening to him, my hand turned into a fist, and a wave of anger surged through me.
"Shut up, Jashwanth," I shouted, making him flinch while walking near him.

"Brother I just__" he tried to explain, but I didn't give him a chance.

"Mind your language when you are talking to my wife... Understood," I yelled and grabbed her hand, then walked to our room, dragging her with me.

"Thank you," she mumbled soon after we reached our room.

"Don't think too much... I defended you because you are carrying my name," I said coldly.

"I know you did it for you, but you protected me, so I am thankful," she said and went out.




"Get down," I ordered her when we reached my villa. Yeah, we are moving into my personal villa for my privacy.
'For your privacy or you don't wanna see your wife bullied by your family,' my subconscious countered and I ignored it like everytime.

We went in and aunt Nirmala, our maid with other servants, welcomed us. Aunt Nirmala is the old maid of ours who took care of me from childhood, and she is my mother's personal maid.

"Don't go to the basement and you are not allowed into my study," I told her the rules once we entered the bedroom and she nodded.

"Do we have to live in the same room?" she asked.

"Yeah, aunt Nirmala is my mother's personal maid. She sent her here to keep an eye on us, so we have to live in the same room," I replied.

"Ok," she mumbled.

"You can use the left side of the closet, which I have cleared," I stated, and she nodded, then started unpacking her things.

She tied her hair in a bun and started arranging her things. She wore a loose top which hides her perfectly shaped body. She is fit, she must do exercise to have that fit body.

After arranging her things, she went to the washroom and washed her face. Free strands from her hair stuck to her face due to wetness. She is beautiful, natural and pretty.

"You can sleep on that bed," I said, pointing at the small bed I had arranged for her in the same room.

"Why?" she asked, eying me.

"It will be uncomfortable for you to sleep on the couch every day, so out of humanity, I arranged this for you," I replied lightly.

"Who told you that I will sleep on the couch?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"What? Then where are you going to sleep?"

"I will sleep here on the bed," she said, pointing at the king size bed.

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