Chapter- 6 Attraction

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Karthikeya's POV

One week has passed, we are getting to know each other, and I am impressed by her. Really, she is unique. She always makes me smile. Sometimes we talk like friends and sometimes we argue like kids, but I am enjoying every argument. It is like a new experience for me.

When I went to the gym room for exercise, she was meditating like always, but something changed. There are some plants on the balcony and curtains also changed from black to white. There is also a music system on the corner.

She opened her eyes after some time and smiled, looking at me. I also gave her a small smile. I feel peaceful whenever she smiles at me.

She smiles at everyone, but when she smiles at me, there is a spark in her eyes and that smile is breathtaking.

"You arranged this?" I raised my eyebrow, amused by her work.

"Yeah, those plants produce fresh oxygen and it is good for our health. I placed a music system so when doing exercise, we can listen to music which helps us to relieve our stress and white is known for peace, so I changed curtains for your peaceful exercise," she explained as she walked to me.

I was surprised by her again, she never stops surprising me. "Oh..." is the only word that left my mouth.

Then she walked out while I went to do my exercise. After exercising for half an hour, I decided to go and freshen up, as I was getting late for my work.

When I went to my room... no no, it's our room now. When I went to our room, she bumped into me and the clothes in her hands fell on the floor. I held her thin waist before she fell down and dragged her near me. Our faces are just inches away.

She is looking at me with her big doe eyes. My eyes locked with her brown orbs. I can feel her irregular breathing and she is breathing heavily. Every time she takes a breath, her breast is teasing my strong chest, which is making it hard to control myself from kissing her. Now I just want to kiss her trembling lips until I get enough. Her sexy slender neck is inviting me--- oh... hold on.. where my thoughts are going.

I dragged her near my chest and inhaled her scent. It was calming. Her face flushed and her ears turned red. Goosebumps erupted on her whole body when I pecked her cheek.

She ran away quickly as soon as I left her waist. I chuckled, knowing my effect on her.

"Are you a fan of free soul?" She asked, looking at the paintings on the walls while having breakfast.

"Yeah, I like her paintings very much. She has a unique way of portraying emotions," I replied.

"You work in the Real art gallery, right? So you have seen all of her paintings, right? As she only sells her paintings through the Real art gallery," I asked, sipping my coffee.

"Yeah, I also admire her paintings," she replied with a smile.

After having breakfast, I dropped her off at her workplace, then went to mine.

"Is it true? Wow, my gloomy Sid is smiling and blushing," Arjun exclaimed as he sat opposite to me in my office.

"I am not," I defended.

"Oh, thinking about your wife making you smile," he teased.

"Arjun, can't you hear?" I said irritatedly, I mean acting irritatedly.

"I clearly saw you smiling and here you are covering," he commented playfully, and I threw a file on his face.

"Ok, I surrender," he said, raising his hands in the air.

"Tell me what's going on," he asked, grinning.

"Do I have to report you?" I scoffed.

After having a little conversation, he left my office.

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