Chapter Thirty-Four

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"I have fooled your stupid heart." The creature mutters. Multiple eyes cover its body which is a torso with wings made of feathers emerging from it.

Is this.. what I think it is?

"Are you an angel?" I ask. The figure scoffs.

"Of course I am. No other being could access a mind as guarded as yours." The angel replies. I look down at the ground before back at the angel.

"Where is my mother and my dad?" I ask. The angel laughs loudly.

"I've locked them away, now that they have served their purpose." The angel boasts.

"What are you going to do now?" I ask.

"With all the subjects you've collected me, I can control them and take over this world. And all the other ones as well!" The demon shouts. I groan, drawing my father's weapon. "The only way for your parents to be freed, is to kill me!"

I quickly turn into my demon form with tentacles. I attack the angel, wrapping my tentacles around it. My limbs begin to burn against the amount of sheer light. I groan, jumping off of the angel.

"Ow! Fuck me.." I growl, holding one of my wounded limbs.

"You're demonic limbs can't touch me. I am pure light. I can banish any darkness." The angel brags. I return everyone's magic to them.

682 and Izuku both jump up to fight the angel. 682 grabs a wing between its teeth and tears it clean off. When the lizard lands, it devours the limb. 682 faces the angel. Izuku had attacked some of its eyes, using his quirk to render them useless. The angel blasts 682 into a wall with a blast of light. 682 cries out in pain. 053 runs to his side. Izuku is thrown into the wall by the angel's remaining wing.

"Is that all you got? Weaklings." The angel insults.

The blonde jumps up and explodes out the rest of the angel's eyes. The two skeletons use a skull like floating object. A loud blast leaves it, the remaining wing now disintegrated. The angel falls to the ground.

"You'll never beat me!" The angel screams. Shigaraki walks up and touches the body of the angel. It slowly begins to disintegrate.

The body becomes dust, the ashes cover my body. I look up into the sky. The entire roof of my mansion was blown off.

The stars are revealed. They shine brightly back onto us.

"I really was foolish to think I could bring my parents back." I mutter softly. I laugh quietly. "I'm such an idiot."

"Phoenix. We are here now. Does that still mean you are dumb?" A voice asks behind me. I spin around.

My mother and father stand behind me. My father has his arm around my mother's shoulders. A tentacle is secured around her waist. I fall into their embrace.

"Is it really you?" I ask. They both laugh.

"It is us my dearest." My father replies. I cry into their chests.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this."


We all sit at the table, conversation humming across the table.

"Who is going to stay here?" I ask across the table.

"Kacchan and I would like to stay." Izuku speaks up. "Will our world be okay without us?"

"Your world is going to thrive and flourish. Despite Shigaraki returning, another force with help with the evil in the world. You and your Kacchan are no longer needed from the point I took you from." I explain. "If I would've taken you from the past however, that is a different story."

Snow: A Creepypasta X Reader (Re-Done)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now