Part 26

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Alyssa's Pov :

My finals are finally over now.

I was released from hospital after staying for about a month or so. Mom literally hugged me to death after seeing me and cried for days.

" I don't ever wanna lose you my baby. You are all I have left. Why didn’t you tell me anything! " she said things like this while crying.

She was more sad about the fact that I didn’t tell her about the bullying. And, she didn’t want to leave me alone for days.

Making her cry or worry was the last thing I wanted to do, but I ended up doing it anyways.

After being released, I was worried that I missed my exams. But after going back to school, I got to know that the exams had been postponed and I still had about 15 days to prepare.

That was shocking. This school was known for maintaining a strict schedule, so postponing or rescheduling was unheard of. Obviously I was shocked at that.

Also, at first when I entered the school, I felt like things were more different than usual.

I mean, people used to avoid me or gossip about me anyways. But this time they seemed to be more on the edge.

Like, Wherever I went, they went out of my way, cleared my path and kept a good distance. They didn’t even dare to gossip like usual.

Heck, none of them even dared to look at me, as if I would punish them for that. Silence fell wherever I went. I was so confused. But my questions were answered soon.

I met Rae and Connor on the hallway so I asked them.

* Flashback *

" Why do you think this is happening?  What is the most likely scenario for this kind of thing to happen?  Take a guess" Rae had told me looking at her nails.

" I mean, there’s only one possible answer. It’s not that hard to figure out really. Use your brain idiot" Connor had smacked my head to which I glared.

" Do that one more time and I'll rip all your hair out" Connor rolled his eyes and smacked my head again.

" Oops, I did it again. What're you gonna do about it" this guy! He's was annoying!

" Shut up you two. Now, tell me, what do you think Alyssa? Why would everyone avoid you?"

" Um...because of....Arestair?  I... I mean He's the only reason I can think of" I said.

" BINGO" Connor sang.

" But I don't understand. He's been here before too. People know about him already. They didn’t react this much before, so why now?"

" While you were in Hospital, the principal went crazy. Apparently, Damien went missing after your incident and was nowhere to be found. She went crazy and even expelled you from school. Even though the whole school knew Damien was the one to be punished " Rae explained.

" She filed complaints against you and even dared to threaten Arestair . She blamed you for her son's disappearance.  The lunatic woman really wanted her retarded son back " Connor added.

" But Arestair didn’t just nullify the complaints against you. He counter attacked her, filed several more complaints against her.

Of course the authorities followed his wishes immediately. No one would wanna get on his bad side.

He removed her from principal's position and expelled her from the school instead. And then threw her to jail for supporting and hiding crimes like bullying and assaulting. Also,  the new principal was appointed by Arestair.

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