Part 20

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Alyssa's pov :

I played with the locket as I laid in my bed. Today was Sunday, so no school  and no work. I needed this free time so badly. The mental exhaustion I've faced the last few days  are wayy over my limits.

Mr. Arestair has been dropping me home every single day. Now a days he has been picking me up from home as well. The people around my neighbourhood are already gossiping about it.

How do I know they gossip? Because they fricking look at me and whisper whenever I go out to do shopping or buy groceries. Some of them are so rude that they point fingers at me. What are they, high schoolers?

They reminded me so much of the students at my school. Even the cashiers sometimes give me the looks. It's uncomfortable....

It's all his fault. Can't he just use a normal, simple, ordinary car. Does he always have to use Mercedes, or Rolls-Royce  or Lamborghini. Those are hella fancy cars! Who's he trying to show off to!

One day an elderly woman came up to me and told me,

" Oh You're that girl from our neighbourhood. I've heard you got a fancy and rich young man up yo sleeves. Hear he got great cars. Good catch ."

Ugh... What was she saying... Do they really think he's my boyfriend or something?

But then again, Ares only drops me off in front of my house. And in the morning, he only honks his car to let me know that he has arrived to pick me up.

He never really gets out of his car and the glasses of the car are black and bulletproof.  So of course it’s impossible for people to see his face. I don't blame them for thinking like that.

If only they knew...

I was in my thoughts when mom suddenly barged in my room. These past few days I've been avoiding her. I'm sure she'd heard the rumors.  I just knew she'd ask me about that and I did not want to confront her.

I hurriedly tried to hide the locket but it was too late, she was already smiling from ear to ear. If I didn’t know better, I would've found her to be creepy.

" Sooo? You wanna tell me something? "

" T..tell you something?  Like what?" ah.. my stupid stutter.

"  like maybee, who gave you that pretty little  locket?"

"Oh t..this? I bought it for myself"

" You bought it? From where may I ask?" she said raising an eyebrow.


" Online huh? Then why were you hiding it?".. she singed

" huh.. What're you saying? No one's hiding anything " man this was going bad.

"Really? So,  Who's the guy? "

" huh? What guy? Oh, Connor? You know him mom. He's my-"

" No. Not Connor. The one that has been picking you up and dropping you off" she was smirking.

" I don't know what You're talking about. I don't  have anyone like that. Who told you you that mom?" I avoided meeting her eyes.

" Humm.  Who told me?" she pretended to think.

" I don't know dear. Like.. the whole colony. And also random people I met at street" she gave me a tight smile. A smile that said ' you have no more room to lie'

" Now, stop lying. That locket of yours, that looks expensive. I don't think you could afford it. And if you really bought it from online, you wouldn’t want to hide it. "

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