Chapter 10

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Mariah's P.O.V
It was like two in the morning when Crystal showed up at my doorstep.She was all bruised up and she had a huge gash on her cheek dribbling blood all over the porch.I was really confused because she had all her stuff with her for a second I thought she got jumped. "Crystal what's going on are you ok why do you have all your stuff and what happened to your face?" She just looked at me and started to cry which made the thick stream of blood dripping down her face turn to a pink watery river. "I...I.. Me and my mom got into a huge fight when you guys left she tied me to a table and wacked me in the face with a radio antenna... Thats why I have this gash on my face I tried to run but then..." All of a sudden Crystal fell back and closed her eyes. I stepped outside my house to see what's wrong with her she had her hand on her side I moved it and there was a huge red blood stain on her side I unbuttoned her shirt and all I saw was a big deep hole.She was shaking and her eyes were open now, but they were rolled all the way back in her head and they were twitching alittle so I started to scream"MOM,DAD, SOMEONE.......ANYONE..PLEASE SOMEONE ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME HELP MY FRIEND PLEASE ANYONE PLEASE" My parents ran outside."Mariah are you alright what's going on whats wrong with Crystal""I don't know I think she is dying we need to get her to the hospital right now I have already lost enough I can't lose my best friend I've known her forever and I can't replace her ever.""Well alright let's go what even happened to her"" Her mom did... That's what happened.Her mom"

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