-------------------------------------------Saturday ●May ● 28 ●
Now playing angel baby by Rosie and the originals
Gabes pov: right now I'm at the hospital because gabby is going to give birth to our daughter right now it is 1:58 am and gabby is having the baby and I wasn't allowed in the room with gabby so I'm in the waiting room with my mom and bestfriend Ricky
1 hour later: I got called into to the room and I see gabby holding a baby smiling then she looks over at me and says
Gabby: look at her gabe she looks just like you
Gabe: have you picked out a name?
Gabby: yes her name is ellahana Tatiana Salazar
Gabe: shes so tiny can hold her?
Gabe: ah wait- how do I hold her?
Gabby: just hold her like how you regularly hold a baby
Gabe: but shes so tiny what if I drop her on accident
Gabby: you'll be fine I promise
Gabe: ok
As I was holding ellahana I hear a knock and I open the door and its ricky
Ricky: hey guys so like what do you guys want to eat I'm paying tho I kinda want pizzahu- who is that?
Gabe: meet ellahana Tatiana Salazar
Ricky: bro shes so tiny and she looks just like you
Gabe: here hold her
Ricky: watch yall imma talk to her and shes gonna love me
Gabby:sure she is shes probably gonna like mirella
Ricky: watch just watch
Ricky: hello tiny baby I'm ricky your mom and dads bestfriend and I can already tell me and you are gonna be bestfriends so first you can stop looking at my forehead I know it's big
Ricky: ..... that's what yo mama said to your dad...
Ellahana: .....
Ricky: you might not get it kid but it's a funny joke so laugh
Gabe: shes a newborn she doesn't know how to laugh
Ricky: she was just laughing at my big forehead a few minutes ago
Gabby: omg ricky how do you know she was laughing at your forehead shes a baby and babies make werid noises randomly
Ricky: whatever anyways mirella is here so she should be going overhere in a few minutes but for now imma sit on that chair because it looks comfortable
A few minutes later mirella comes in the room
Mirella: hii guys so I brought food,a present for gabby, a present for gabe, and some clothes for the baby speaking of the baby can I hold her?
Gabby: yup
Mirella: awe what's her name?
Gabby: ellahana Tatiana Salazar
Mirella: that's literally the cutest name ever shes so tiny ricky
Ricky: zzzzzzzzzZ
Mirella: ricky?
Ricky: zzzZZzzz
Mirella: he's always falling asleep anyways hii tiny I'm mimi Ricky's girlfriend and your so pretty
Mirella: awe look shes smiling
Ricky: so all I needed to do was call her pretty?
Ricky: hiii tiny baby your so pretty
Ellahana: *starts crying *
Ricky: oh no why is she crying?
Mirella: shh shh it's okay pretty girl your okay
Ricky: oh so now shes not crying??
Ricky: I feel betrayed rn imma cry
And then ricky and mirella go home and everyone goes to sleep