Chapter Three ~ Why?

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It's been a week since the akumatization and no one's noticed. Why does that not surprise me?

Lila has gotten even worse, with her bullying and her lies. And yet she's getting sloppy as well, perfect. She really has been of great help to me, ironically showing me the truth even when she lies with every breath. Frustrating yet tolerable, barely. Now I finally know how to see the hidden truth in every lie. And I will use that to my advantage.

Alya's fallen even further down the ditch she dug for herself, becoming explosive and verbally abusive towards our classmates, with no remorse I might add. Her eyes always seem to linger on me, wishing her glare would send bullets shooting straight through my head. How nice. How did it come to this? If only she'd seen the truth, as any good reporter should. Maybe then she wouldn't have to pay, but alas, I need to be fair.

We'll all receive what we deserve at some point, whether that'll be half way through our mortal lives or at our very end. She should be grateful I'm lessening the consequences for the future. Karma always seems to build up, no matter how much you try to compress it.

And lastly Adrien. He doesn't know when to stop, whether that be faking and pretending to care  or constantly ignoring the wrongdoings of the others. The pathetic, little actor that hides behind the mask of a model. Isn't it ironic that that mask is seemingly the cause of all his problems? He constantly gives me disappointed looks as if they will make me miraculously turn toward him. As if I need his messed up opinion. Maybe he should just take highroad, suck it up and admit defeat, let the scene of this play finally end? Agreste should take some of his own deranged advice.

Tuesday 11:46

It's now the end of period three. Nothing out the ordinary has happened today, it's almost as if everything has returned to what it was like before Lila had arrived. But that would be impossible. This only makes me worry, not for my safety, but for what will happen when their stupid plans fail. I can't let them get in the way of my job, my purpose.

It's almost complete, the timer is near to being ready. All I need to do now is sort out the smaller things, like figuring out Hawkmoth's and my class' motives. Nothing is done without reason, and in order to gain an advantage, I must be diligent. You never know who may be watching or listening, and so I always keep that thought in mind.

Just as I make my way to the next lesson, someone grabs me, dragging me over to the back of the school. How original, note my sarcasm. As I begin to make out who'd abducted me, I'm pushed into a wall, my head now beginning to ache. Great, just how I'd wanted to celebrate the beginning of the end. The perpetrator begins to speak, drawing my attention back to them.

"I've told you several times and yet you don't seem to get it. Stop tormenting the innocent!! Lila has worked hard for everything she has and you seem to want to take it away! We all know that you haven't worked nearly as hard and are jealous, but that DOES NOT give you any right to hurt her and her feelings!!"

Hearing that made my blood boil. I haven't worked hard?! Does she know who she's talking to?

I work all the time, whether that be in my parents bakery or as one of Paris' heroes. When can I get a break? I make clothes in my spare time, working on commissions for well known celebrities and having to run errands for family members. On top of that, the miracle box is now in my possession along with many mini deities who love to play and mess around!

Swallowing my anger, as that is not what must be on my mind to achieve justice, I turn to those who used to be my friends. Glaring at each and every one of them, I then ask,

"What exactly have I done? I have been to every lesson so far, not including the one you so rudely took me from before I could even see the inside of the classroom", some begin to look guilty, knowing that what I had just said was true, "And yet you still think that I would have the time to do something to Lila even when I have to constantly hurry. I have a tendency to be late."

And with that, they all lost their faces of sadness and remorse, replaced with displeasure and animosity. I can't believe I was ever friends with these people, they have a complete disregard for order, justice and common sense! Just as I was about to up and leave, done with listening to them, Mylene decided she had to speak up.

"Marinette, what happened to you?! You used to be so sweet and yet you hurt the one person who hasn't done any wrong... that's disappointing. Nowadays, you're so rude to everyone!! We've done nothing, you are the one who did everything wrong!!!" People started to nod their heads, agreeing with her statements.

I saw red. If she thinks that all I do is wrong, then she is sorely mistaken. But if she believes that, I might as well use it to my advantage, to gain justice. I rid her of her fear, and if that's so wrong, I could just give it her back.

"Sweet, pathetic Mylene. I have done no wrong, but if you are so sure about it. Don't worry, I will right my supposed mistakes." I smile at that before continuing, "You are surrounded by darkness and it's drowning you, engulfing you. There is everything to fear... what if it hurts you? What if it hurts others? If it does, you are at fault. Because you are the one who wanted to drown. All are watching you, all are smiling. Because those who let the darkness consume with no valid reason, are not those who deserve saving. So, let me ask you this, Mylene," I look directly into her eyes, the fear being most obvious.

"Do you really think you have the right to call me wrong when you willingly let the darkness consume you?"

She burst into tears, knowing, fearing that I was right. All the others turned to look at me with resentment and fear. Perfect. I turn to leave, knowing that I only had a minute to get to my next class. This time no one stopped me.

Tuesday 16:27

I'm at home, the school day ended just over an hour ago. I'm back in my regal attire, the blood-red gown now being what I wear. Today was the last time I would be Marinette. From now on, I will be Lady Justice. Until our purpose is done.

My phone starts to buzz and I check the notifications. Lila, of course. She's the only one who ever texts me these days.

'When will you finally admit that you've lost. You failed. I hope you are enjoying your misery as much as I am. You chose to be the hero, that one's on you.'

I'll admit, that one's on me. But justice shall now finally be mine. Be ours.

I retrieve my blindfold and wrap it around my head, being careful not to mess up my hair or the beading. I smile at what is to come and summon something I will need. A scale. But not any scale, a justice scale.

I place it on my desk, listening to it move up and down. One day it will be silent, balanced and calm.

That's a promise. That's a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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