chapter 44

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Hello everyone.

          Reena is everything ready ? Zulfi's mom asked . Yeah mom everything is ready , Daisy and Aliya are just cross checking the preparations Reena replied .

         Okay and have you spoken to fifi today ? Ayesha asked . No I haven't not yet ,but I think maybe aasi did Reena replied .

    Where is aasi ? I haven't seen today ayesha asked . I'm not sure Reena replied .

            Reena went to azaad and saw him calling someone , who are you calling ? Reena asked .

    Mahi he's unreachable since morning azaad replied .

             Have you called maj maybe they'll be together ? Reena said .

    Maj went to check his home , he's phone is switched off azaad said .

   Well it's weird it never happened before Reena said .

        Hey guy's maj is here he's calling everyone zafaar said .

  Okay let's go azaad said .

     Maj was waiting in lawn for everyone . What's up ? Armaan asked .

         Let everyone come maj said . Where is mahi ? Goher asked .

       That's what I wanna talk about maj replied .

  Everyone was gathered together in lawn aasi was last one to join .

     What is it maj ? Azaad asked .
Something's wrong mahi is unreachable , i meet him everyday , every single day in mosque , but today he wasn't in mosque .

           He has two different contact numbers , both of them are unreachable , I went to check at his flat , he has moved out from there maj said .

    What ? Armaan asked .  Why has he moved out ? He didn't said anything  azaad said .

         Something is really wrong with him , I am really worried about him maj said ..

     Aasi have you talked with him ? Goher asked . Umm no aasi replied .

          Have you called Rocky ? Maybe he knows something about this zafaar said .

        We are going at his place , let's ask him there Daisy said .

      Yeah let's go maybe mahi is already there Reena said .


            Zulfi woke up and saw Rocky standing at balcony . Rocky ? Zulfi called out his name .

     Rocky turned around and came towards her . When did you woke up ? Zulfi asked .

          I didn't sleep Rocky replied.
What , why ? Zulfi asked in a worried tone .    Rocky explained her everything about the incident with mahi .

            What the hell yaar Rocky? You could have atleast listened to him , he had never called you this late , maybe he was in problem , and he reached out to you and you shut him zulfi said .

        Zulfi I had no idea , Rocky said .
What kind of friendship is this when you can't feel that your friend is in trouble zulfi said .

         Rocky didn't reply , he was feeling  guilty  , he regretted how he behaved with mahi .
      Have you called him ? Zulfi asked .
He's unreachable Rocky said.

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