Doris returns as a new woman

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The next day, Doris returned to her girl squad as a completely refreshed woman. She appeared more feminine than she did beforehand. The girl squad was in awe.

"Wow, Doris!! You look amazing!!" Fiona complemented her.

"Now you look like an actual princess!!" said Snow White. "Now you can learn to sing like one too."

"No, thank you." Doris replied. "I've learned something better! Check it out!"

She proceeded to demonstrate Okama Karate. This impressed the girl squad even more. "Hey, what is that?! I'd love to learn it." said Fiona.

"This is Okama Karate! I learned it from a fine queen like myself. Girls, I dated a queen instead of Prince Charming - he's called Bon Clay. And it turns out that I didn't need all of this waxing, only the make-up was necessary." Doris spoke passionately.

The girl squad cheered. "Yeah, who needs that prick Prince Charming anyway?! 'Charming' my ass!!" Snow White roared.

And so, Doris found her true true love and lived happily.

Meanwhile, the real Prince Charming was trapped in the basement as if he was Sia in the beysment.

The End.

Doris x Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now