Immortal Not Eternal

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Because they were born, but could not die.

And although they may exist until the end, they still had a beginning and were born. And if they were truly eternal, they wouldn't have been born and would have instead already existed.

So no, they were an immortal being, not an eternal being like so many had thought.  

Not some demon wanting to damn humanity into the deepest pits of whatever hell they believed in. Not some angel or God wanting to save or bless humanity from the evil that existed.

Just an immortal being, stuck on this land, this earth, this planet, this universe. Stuck until the end comes (if it comes at all). Stuck until they are somehow released from their unaging (but still aging) state.

And so, until then, they could wait. Wait for the memories of those they once loved to fade away (and it would, there were many they'd forgotten over the centuries, whether they liked it or not) and for new memories to be made. 

(Sometimes they'd look in any mirror, wondering whose face they were looking at) 

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