Not a Friendly Welcoming Party

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Herro guys! I'm not dead! Yay!! Apologies for the long break of not uploading chapters. Lots of BS popped up in the past month, so I had to deal with that. Plus school and stuffs. I was usually doing this in my free time(which isn't a lot) so here's the result. Hope you guys enjoy it! Please do leave comments and vote as it helps me out a lot. Thanks!


THUD! "Uh..what was that?" Mikey asked Katsu. "How should I know?" Katsu responded. "True, you wanna investigate?" Mikey asked. "What are you? A detective?" Katsu asked. "How you know about detectives?" Mikey asked curious. "If I hand, I would facepalm my face so hard, it looks deformed." Katsu said angrily. "Jeez man, you don't have to get to angry about it," Mikey said sticking his tongue out. "Whatever, just "investigate" the crime scene," Katsu said as he stretched out the "in" in investigate. They walked deeper inside the temple. Mikey reached a green-lit hall with a iron door at the end.

"Oh, lets go back," Mikey suggested. "Why?" Katsu asked. "Are you serious dude? THERE'S A BOSS BATTLE IN THERE!" Mikey exclaimed. "So? We can kill it," Katsu said confidently. "I barely know any spells bro," Mikey said. Katsu chuckled. "Buddy, you have me as a weapon. We got this. Just let it flow." Mikey still hesitant, opened the heavy iron door. The room was filled with coffins, skeletons, and a skull of an enormous dragon. Mikey looked around the room, scanning for traps. "Something seems out of place," Mikey said. "Yeah..." Mikey looked at a cactus with two arms of different colors. "Most definitely out of place." Mikey moved towards the cactus.

"Hi ther-" Mikey was abruptly interrupted by a smack to the face. "AIII YAAAHH!!!" he yelled. "Wait a minute...that girly scream...Mikey?!" the voice said. " you know my name?" he asked. The person moved closer to Mikey. "Hey man, stay back. I will burn your face off! Mikey threatened. "Try it," the voice challenged. Mikey summoned a bright orange ball of fire and aimed it where the voice was. Mikey's smirk, quickly vanished from his face when the ball of fire didn't explode where it was supposed to. "Ho mah Gaaaahhh....." Mikey said in awe. The person laughed. "It really is Mikey." Mikey summoned a small fire to illuminate the person's face. Mikey's eyes widened and he smiled when he saw one of the most familiar faces ever. "LEE!!!! OMAGERD!!!" he exclaimed. "HAAAAAYYYYY MAAAAANNN!!!!!!!" Lee returned.

They did their broshake(not a type of drink) and caught up with each other. "So Xen and his sister are also here?" Mikey asked. "Apparently according to his sister. He killed royalty or something." Lee confirmed. "We gotta find him that's for sure, but most importantly I wanna know how we all got here." "Hey Lissandra," Katsu greeted. "H-h-hey Snuffle," Lissandra said with a slight blush. Lee grinned. "Oooh I see you Lissandra. I got you. I got you" Lee teased. "Shut up, before I send you through a portal leading to who know's where," she said. "Is he always like this?" asked Katsu. "Yup, one of the main antagonists of my life, the first one is Xen. Put two of them in a team, you have the world's best tormentors and demon," Mikey said. "Hey! That's so true! But it's not exactly a team with someone to annoy and since the three of us have weapons, who knows? We could be the world's best fighting team. I'm a support, you're the mage, and I don't know what Xen is yet, but he better have something good," Lee said. "I think Lissandra and I have a clue on what this "Xen" guy is wielding." Katsu said. "Yeah, so we have the staff, Katsu, a gauntlet, me, swords, the twins." "Twins? What're they like? Mikey asked curiously. Both weapons glowed. "They're...mysterious? I mean they don't talk much, and when they do, its usually a smartalec response or something weird." Katsu said.

After Katsu stopped talking, the whole cave shook. "WHO ENTERED MY LAIR AND DISTURBS MY SLUMBER?!" a very deep and hollow voice said. The two looked towards the dragon skull, which had a purple wisp circling around it. "A dracolich" Lissandra muttered. The dragon's bone began putting themselves together as the purple wisp possessed the skeletal dragon. The dracolich put itself back together and had a purple aura around it. "So is the boss fight you were talking about?" Katsu asked. "Yup." The dracolich stomped where Mikey would've been smushed had it not been for Lee's life saving portals. "Thanks Lee, but why'd you teleport me behind the door?!" Mikey exclaimed. "Sorry, I was thinking of running away and the door was the closest thing so...." Lee shrugged. "Whatever." Mikey opened the door to get back into the cave and was face to face with the dracolich. He turned around and got back inside the temple, leaving Lee to fight for himself.



"Get back in here!"


Lee placed a portal above the dragon in order for him to get on the dracolich. Mikey fired a barrage of solar beams and fire balls at the dracolich. Lee fell on top of the dracolich's neck, but the dracolich shook him off. Lee hit the ground and let out a sound of pain. "Lee you okay?" Mikey asked while firing shots and setting up entangling flame traps around the dracolich. "I don't know man. What do you think of falling 30 feet and hitting the ground?" Lee said while groaning. While Mikey was saying something smart, the dracolich took the chance to attack Mikey using his bony tail. "ARGH!" Mikey yelled out. At this point, both of them were injured.

The dracolich charged up a its green, fiery, breath. Lee saw this as an opportunity to strike back. He waited until the dracolich released its breath and opened up a portal in front of them. He opened another one to the side of the dracolich, thus sending the dracolich's attack back it. It let out a roar signalling it was hurt. Badly. "Good job Lee," Lissandra said. The dracolich was dazed and trying to get up. Mikey sent out a beam of lava at the dracolich. "AAAAAANNNNNNGAAARRRRRRR" It let out. "Can I do the honors?" asked Mikey. Lee bowed. Mikey smiled and concentrated. Katsu began levitating and Mikey had an orange aura around him. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing bright yellow. "Let fire burn away the evil in this world, and illuminate the way of lost people. Burn the flesh, bones, and soul of this creature. USTENGNALIFK!" When a Mikey finished, fire from below burned the dracolich. It was a different fire. Instead of being bright orange, it was a dark purple color with tentacle-like ashes. When it ended, the dracolich was no more. Even the soul had been parished.

" did you do that?" Lee asked in awe. "I have no idea, but Katsu said I should believe him." Lee lifted up his right hand and asked Lissandra if he could do something like that. "Yeah, but we haven't met the requirements yet. I mean I probably did, but you didn't since your still a noob." She said chuckling at the last part.

Lee pouted. "Its okay man. You still have an awesome power." Mikey said. "True." The middle floor of the room began to separate to reveal an exit. "Guess there's no need to teleport huh?" Lee asked. "Nope." Mikey and Lee chuckled. "Well, lets get outta here and find Xen." Lee said. "Definitely, but can we get some food first? I'm starving." Mikey said. "You'd prioritize food over your friend?" Katsu asked. "Eh, I mean if we're gonna pass by cities, we might as well right?" Katsu and Lee looked at Mikey in a confused look. "True"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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