A Door To Many Places

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        Lee woke up in a strange, but calm forest. Lee looked around and noticed he was alone. He looked down and saw that his clothes had changed. He was wearing a tiger pajamas before, but now he was wearing jeans, victory shoes, a sweater, and a cool looking gauntlet. “Okay...this is one weird dream,” Lee said to himself.

        Lee pinched himself to see if it truly was a dream. “Ow.” He decided to look around his area to find clues on where he might be. Lee saw a trail and decided to follow it. As he followed the path, he heard rustling noises in the bushes and decided to go check it out. “Show yourself coward!” yelled Lee.

        The rustling noises stopped. “You really are a coward huh?” Lee said to the now quiet bush. Moments later, something popped out the bush and tackled Lee. Lee opened his eyes to see what it was. It was an Ogre!

“OH MY GOD!” exclaimed Lee who was now up on his feet running.

        “Great, first lost, now an Ogre’s chasing me,” Lee said to himself. Lee kept running and running with the Ogre right behind him. “I WILL FEAST ON YOUR BONES WEAKLING!” yelled the Ogre. Lee took a quick break and soon regretted that decision as he looked back and saw the Ogre was gaining on him quick.

“Yikes!” yelled Lee.

        It felt like hours of nonstop running until Lee arrived at a dead end. “Lumo-lump will feast on yer bones and devour it, then eat it again!” said Lumo-lump. Lumo-lump rushed towards Lee, club in hand, ready to maul Lee. “So this is the end for me huh? Well I’m not going down without a FIGHT!” exclaimed Lee as he raised both his hands in fighting stance.

        As Lee tried to jab at the ogre, he noticed a tear in the air. The tear grew bigger until it became the size of a door. The ogre who rushed at Lee in fullspeed could not stop due to the portal sucking him in. Lee repeated the same action he did to open the portal to close it. His eyes wide open, Lee could not believe he defeated something twice his size. “That….was…...AWESOME!” Lee boasted. “I KILLED AN OGRE!” As he was cheering, it dawned on him, that he could use portals using the gauntlet, to find his friends. “Hold on buddies! I’ll save you!” said Lee as he opened a portal to go through. 'Let's see where this leads me."

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