Before, During, and After the Beginning

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A teenage boy, who appeared to be from Asia, more specifically Japan, with green hair and emerald eyes, wearing a pure black suit and dress shoes with a white lab coat over and green headphones on his neck was seen in a vast nothingness. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch. "You would think a time walker wouldn't be late, but here I stand.'' "Pardon me, my boy. I had to take care of some omniversal shenanigans.'' "Paradox, that does not give you any reason. As a time walker you can come to any point, anywhere, as you please,'' the teenager said as he turned around to face an American-looking man with fair skin, grey eyes, black hair with grey on the sides, and a few wrinkles on his face. 

The man, Paradox as the teenager called him, wore a white lab coat, however his had brown and black pouches and gold trim. Underneath that, he wore a black turtleneck with a white scarf and a brown vest with gold buttons and pouches. Paradox also had a pair of goggles around his neck and a metal gauntlet on his right hand and a fingerless glove on his left. He had black pants with brown knee pants as well as a pair of brown boots with gold straps. "Now where would the fun in that be Walker?" 

The teenager, Walker as he was now called, rolled his eyes at the older time walker. "You and your games teach. And what's with the gaudy clothing? I rather liked your old outfit, but I guess considering the war that happened your clothes are excused...for now.'' This time it was Paradox's turn to roll his eyes. "Well Walker what are we meeting here for? I doubt you need my help. You have been around for about as long as I have.'' Walker sighed and said, "I do in fact need your help. I have happened to come across a universe that is an amalgamation of 3 multiverses. One is the multiverse I originate from, the other is the Tennyson multiverse, and the other is the one with Superman and Batman, whatever it was called.''

"Ah, and you need my help to know how to speak with an Omnitrix wielder as their escapades require...a more hands-on approach as you would say. Especially with the fact that this universe has more time travelers than the others. Am I correct?" 

Walker sighed and replied, "Yes. It's been over a millennium since I have spoken with someone other than you and other time walkers. I haven't even caught up with the Dr. on their recent adventure and the last time I spoke with one of my universal variants he jumped off a skyscraper."

Paradox let out a hearty laugh. "Walker, you need help with your interactions. Regardless let me accompany you to...meddle... with this universe."

The two of them then took out pocket watches and Paradox asked, "What universe may this be?" Walker replied, "Universe MBD-110, but I call it 3-way crossover." Paradox chuckled and put on his goggles and said, "Well on we go, like a friend of mine says, 'It's hero time,'.'' They then disappeared into a blue, swirling portal that resembled a galaxy swirl.


(On Earth, in the Watch Tower)

A group of eight people was standing in front of a window, staring at Earth from space. "I told you guys I would be able to convince the corp to give us a retired base,'' a caucasian man with brown hair said. He was wearing a green domino mask with white eyes, a skin-tight suit with a green upper body, shoulders, and calf-length boots. The rest of the suit was black, except for white forearm length gloves; he had a green lantern ring on his right middle finger and a green lantern symbol on his chest.

"We get it, Hal,'' a tan-ish man in a red full-body skin-tight suit said. The man's suit also had a cowl with a chin strap. His cowl had gold lightning-shaped earpieces. He had gold boots, and gold lightning patterns around his wrists and the middle of his forearms. On his chest, there was a lightning symbol inside a white circle. "Oh come on Barry. There's no need to be bitter,'' Hal said jokingly. Barry was about to respond, but from the shadows someone interrupted. "Both of you shut it.'' 

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