Chapter 1

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I sat in my room dreaming of the day I could get out of this house. I looked down at the bruises on wrist from him dragging me up the stairs to my attic bedroom. I silently watched children playing through the streets, longing for the feeling of being a carefree child. I always knew my household was different. When I was younger, I noticed that other kids didn't come to school with bruises on their bodies or have horror stories wrapped up inside them, more plentiful than sugar in a bakery.

My parents and brother have hated me since the day I was born, calling me worthless and weak. My father was the alpha of the Blood Shadow pack and saw me unfit to be his daughter. Thankfully, tomorrow was my eighteenth birthday and they would never have to see my face again.

It was midday and I started to get hungry. I knew that if I made too much noise my father would come after me, so I slowly crept down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. I put a piece of toast in the toaster and leaned on the counter waiting for someone to disrupt the small amount of peace I had been given. I silently watched my father stroll into the living room hoping he wouldn't notice me hovering over the toaster. He crept closer to me until he was standing over me. "Sapphire, what do you think you're doing?" He asked. "M-making some toast. I-I haven't eaten since yesterday morning" I stuttered, not knowing if he would let me go without punishment. "Hmm who said you could take the food we have here? I never saw your mother give you permission!" Before I could react, he lunged at me and grabbed me by the hair. I cried out as he dragged me to where my mother sat working on the computer. I knew I had struck a nerve when he brought me to my mother. "So what do we have here?" She said cooly as my father dropped me by her feet.

I knew no matter how much I pleaded, I would still be in trouble. So an hour later I stumbled out of the room with a black eye and a still empty stomach.

I finally made it to my room and crashed on the mattress that was on the floor. I stared up at the ceiling knowing that I had many hours to kill before I could begin packing. Living in a house with three other werewolves meant that everything you did was heard by someone which meant I couldn't pack anything before everyone fell asleep. I finally decided that I would draw something to pass the time. I am definitely not a professional when it comes to drawing, but it was a way for me to escape my reality. I was able to draw anything or anywhere and picture that I was really in that place and out of this house. I could be on a beach somewhere or in a magical forest with huge purple flowers. The possibilities were endless and it was the best way for me to stay sane all these years. I pulled out some papers from my closet and grabbed a pencil from an old school backpack to start my next masterpiece. I had just graduated high school and all my school supplies were still neatly tucked in its place in my backpack. I stared at the empty sheet of paper and began to draw some trees around the perimeter of the page. Towards the center I started drawing a small pond, carefully adding ripples to the water as if there was a light breeze. After adding adequate shading and a few small birds, I looked at my page. The only thing missing from my picture was some color. I scoffed as I thought of the look my mother would give me if I asked for anything like colored pencils or markers. It was hard enough to get some food around here never mind something that would make me happy. 

My drawing had taken a few hours of my time and before I knew it it was closer to 7pm. I had forgotten that on Fridays my parents and brother held a pack meeting at the town hall which meant that I was finally home alone. I made sure to listen to my surroundings before leaving my room, still being quiet incase someone decided to stay home. After making sure the coast was clear I breathed a sigh of relief and headed to the kitchen. My stomach had finally stopped growling but I needed to eat something before my adventure tomorrow. I rummaged through the cabinets until I found an old box of cereal. Since I was going to need more food than usual to prepare for my journey, I thought it would be best to eat something they may not notice is gone. I grabbed a bowl and poured the smallest amount of milk into it on top of a mound of cereal. I had about an hour until my family would be home so I was able to enjoy every bite while still having time to clean and dry the dishes to get rid of any evidence. I started to head back up the stairs when I paused. I would be leaving tomorrow which meant that anything I did tonight would be without punishment. I decided to go rogue one last time and grab a plastic bag and fill it with the remainder of the cereal in the box. I made sure to replace the empty box back in the cabinet hoping that maybe my brother would be blamed for carelessly leaving empty containers in the cabinet. This would be the snack that I take with me tomorrow incase I am unable to find any food or anywhere to go.

I made my way back to my room just before my family came home. I heard my bother and father laughing up a storm talking about something that happened at their meeting. Afterwards everyone headed to bed while I, alone in my room, waited for them to fall asleep. Once all noises had finally stopped in the house, I started to unpack my old school backpack and fill it with the few things I own. A few shirts, some shorts, and other clothing items made the cut along with the only toy I ever owned as a child. I feel like at my age I should have given up the little stuffed bear I received as a little kid but to this day I still cannot sleep without it. I couldn't forget my bag of cereal so I tossed that in here too and placed the bag at the foot of my mattress. 

Laying back down on my mattress I once again found myself looking at the ceiling with a knot in my stomach. I knew this was the best move for me since this house was never a home, but what if I never find a home? What if I am forced to live the rest of my days in the woods, constantly on the run from the potential that my family could come looking for me? With all these thoughts swimming in my head, I tried my best to fall asleep knowing that when I wake in the morning I will need all the strength I have to get as far away from here as I can before anyone notices. 

Authors Note

Hi everyone! This is the first time I have ever written a story so I really hope you like it! Please vote and comment to tell me what you think, just please no hate! Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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