Chapter 1: Meeting Rosetta and Mist

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"Wa...ter..." you say weakily, you have no idea how long you've been walking through the woods. Seemed like days since you started adventure. Determined to push past the limits that the world had set for you, you try to continue as in the distance you had seen what looked to be a house with someone exiting from it. You try to muster out a call but ended up collapsing as your vision begins to fade.

As you slowly awaken, the soft sensation you feel against your back you could already tell was a bed, a soft fragrance gently dances in the air, a scent of turnips and potatoes combining with the fragrance as your eyes slowly open.
"Finally you woke up, I think you're the second person I've seen or heard collapse from dehydration." A girl's voice had said as your vision clears, seeing a girl with near platinum blonde hair and amber eyes moved her head away from yours. "Just wait there, I'm making some food with my friend." Almost on queue, the door to the room opens as another blonde girl with long hair and baby blue eyes walks in with a plate of mashed potatoes and fried turnips as she smiled.
"Oh! Raguna 2.0 woke up?" She said as she looked directly at you as she set down the plate of food on a table next to you.
"Raguna?" You ask in confusion as you place your hand on your head. You look towards the girl with blue eyes as she nods.
"Yeah, he's one of our friends, back in Kardia he was in the same situation as you. Thirsty and near collapsing." She said calmly as she put her hands behind her back.
"And how about the fact that you gave him tools to work a farm before helping him." The girl with amber eyes retorted with judging eyes towards her. "Anyway, introductions are in order. I'm Rosetta, I run the seed store over in the shopping district here in Trampoli." She said with a smile as she looked at you.
"I'm Mist, I'm the owner of the house here, I've known Rosetta since we were little kids! What's your name?" The girl with blue eyes asked as she leaned closer towards you.
"I'm (F/N), I thought I'd take my hands at adventuring, little did I know that I'd be passing out here in this little town."
"It's nice to meet you (F/N), we can talk some more but for now, eat up while the food is hot." Rosetta said nodding towards the plate of fried turnips and mashed potatoes. "You better know how to eat, I'm not spoon feeding you."
"R-Right, thank you very much." You bow slightly as you picked up the plate of food and began eating. The taste of the mashed potatoes overwhelming you as your eyes unconsciously teared up, having not had a real meal in days. "This is amazing! I guess it's true what they say, homegrown goods are better than stuff sold in stores."
"That's good, I did try my hardest with Mist's help." She said with a smile, her cheeks turning red slightly at the compliment.
"Rosetta, is there any way I can pay you back?" You ask as you look at her with a soft smile before taking the last bite of the food.
"No need to pay me back." She said as she looked away, scratching her cheek slightly.
"Nonsense, I insist on paying you back." You said confidently as you sat up.
"Well there is that empty farmland next to my house." Mist says smiling as she looked at Rosetta then at you. "You could work there, make money, learn some hard work." Her smile grew bigger as her eyes began to sparkle. "You could possibly be an Earthmate like Raguna too!"
"If that's the case, I'll have Danny drop off a shipping bin there. I'll stop by to pick up whatever you ship off at 5PM every day. Although you can, you better not ship a bunch of weeds all the time otherwise I'll be very mad." Rosetta added on and she pointed at your face as she stood up. "I have to get back to the store before Danny ends up making a bad sale, I'll see you later Mist." She said as she bowed towards Mist before looking over at you. "Don't be a stranger now (F/N)." She adds on with a smile before walking out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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